Mitigation for Precision Instruments

Site testing and mitigation products for vibration, magnetic fields, and acoustic noise in precision instrument laboratories and manufacturing facilities.

PRoducts & Services

Best-In-Class Solutions

Site Evaluation

Vibration, acoustic noise, and magnetic field testing and remediation recommendations.

Actively isolate advanced imaging microscopes and precision instrumentation.

Cancel external magnetic fields degrading e-beam imaging and lithography instruments.

Stop noise from degrading instrument performance and improve user comfort.

About us

Solutions from the Team you Trust

VEC offers site evaluations and engineered solutions for acoustic, vibration, and magnetic field challenges in facilities with precision instruments. With 40+ years of experience, we cater to electron microscopy, semiconductor manufacturing, research institutions, and national laboratories. Committed to innovation and strategic partnerships, VEC provides clients with the answers and information to make informed project decisions.

VEC Employee Site Survey
0 +
Year of experiences in the industry.

Our Core Values

VEC values trust as the foundation of strong relationships. We're proud that most of our work comes from returning customers and referrals. To maintain this trust, we strive to adhere to our core values:

Always provide value to our clients

When you choose VEC, we prioritize making your investment in time and resources worthwhile. We aim to share our knowledge and experience, empowering you to make informed decisions about your critical equipment.

To be intellectually honest with clients

We base our recommendations on the data we collect. VEC views providing accurate, reliable data as a matter of integrity. We are transparent concerning our methodology and only propose products of the highest quality.

Provide clients with outstanding service

We endeavor to be responsive and punctual to meet client requirements quickly. Beyond our traditional products and services, we always strive to accommodate unique client requests.

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Read about our recent work, and learn more about precision instrument interference and solutions. 

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Contact us to discuss your project details with a VEC engineer.