Carbon Crusher

Palo Alto,  CA 
United States
  • Booth: 827

Carbon Crusher, originally based in Norway, has recently expanded into the U.S., bringing a unique and sustainable method of road rehabilitation. Our roads are not only more durable and longer lasting, but also environmentally friendly, focusing on carbon-negative solutions. Here's a brief overview of how we make a difference: Full Depth Reclamation: We use a powerful machine, aptly named the "Crusher," to tear up old roads to a depth of 8-13 inches. This method allows us to recycle the existing material, reducing waste and minimizing the need for new resources. Biobinder Technology: Our secret weapon is a BioBinder derived from a waste product of the paper industry. This biobinder is used to re-bind the road, ensuring a robust and long-lasting surface. The Biobinder also has environmental benefits, with our Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) showing a sequestration of 8.8 lbs per 10 square feet refurbished, CRAAS (Crushing as a Service): We partner with local construction companies, providing them with our Crusher, the Biobinder, and the necessary training and knowledge to execute our method effectively. SkyRoads Pavement Management System: Currently under development, SkyRoads is our innovative pavement management system. It will enable road owners to predict road deterioration, plan maintenance, and manage their roads effectively in real time. We cater to both public and private sectors, including municipalities, counties, and industries like mining, energy, forestry/logging, agriculture, and oil. We currently operate on the West Coast, having completed projects in California and Arizona, and are looking to expand further. Come say hello to us at the NACo Conference to find out more! We are at booth 827 in front of the stage.