Japan Geoscience Union

Bunkyo-ku,  TOKYO 
  • Booth: 1222

The Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU) encompasses all subjects covered by Earth and planetary sciences (https://www.jpgu.org). JpGU has more than 10,000 individuals of members and meeting participants with 50 society members. We strive to contribute both to fundamental advances in understanding of the natural world and the future well-being of humanity. JpGU annual meetings attract participants from around the globe enabling online attendance since 2020.

JpGU celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2020.

JpGU publishes PEPS (Progress in Earth and Planetary Science), an open access e-journal(http://progearthplanetsci.org/index.html)(https://progearthplanetsci.springeropen.com/).

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JpGUInternational/