NaviNetics Reusable
Stereotactic System

A stereotactic system for target localization and fixation of the patient head in a coordinate system in order to perform stereotactic neurosurgical procedures such as deep brain stimulation, lesioning, biopsies, targeted injections, aspirations, and minimally invasive tumor treatments.

System Features

Improved patient experience with Skull Anchor Key in place of base frame

Surgeon ease-of-use & workflow of frame-based systems with compact size of frameless systems

Intuitive, accessible targeting adjustment of device

Device size and range optimized for accelerating DBS workflow

Excellent burr hole access and sterile field integrity throughout procedure

Frame accuracy verification accessories provided

Image Localization

Provided CT and MR localizers copy fiducial locations of typical N-bar system. Planning can be performed using the standard DBS frame workflow.

Microdrive Compatibility

Optional AO and FHC Microdrive Adapters are available (Microdrive System sold separately)

NaviNetics, a Medical Device and Technology Company

Founded by researchers, engineers and neurosurgeons from the Neural Engineering Laboratories of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.

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We look forward to applying our talents alongside those of like-minded physicians, researchers and technology experts to identify limitations and gaps within medical practices and remedy them by designing and fabricating innovative instrumentation. Imagine what we can do together.