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Elevate Your Water Quality with Our Advanced Treatment Solutions — Perfect for Home and Business

At Waterlux, we are dedicated to providing homeowners and businesses with unparalleled water treatment solutions.

With a strong commitment to excellence, we offer reliable, state-of-the-art filtration and purification systems that ensure the highest water quality standards.

Our expert team is passionate about helping you enjoy the benefits of pure, healthy water, whether it's for drinking, cooking, or bathing.

With our advanced technology and personalized service, you can trust us to bring clean water solutions into your home or business seamlessly, helping you live a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle.


Comprehensive Water Treatment Solutions and Services

Home Water Filtration Systems

Ensure pure, contaminant-free water with our home water filtration systems. Designed for maximum efficiency and durability, these systems safeguard your family's health by removing impurities and providing clean, great-tasting water straight from the tap. Tailored for your unique needs, our filtration solutions deliver comprehensive protection from common pollutants found in your local water supply

Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Systems

Experience the purity of reverse osmosis drinking water systems for your home or business. These systems offer multi-stage filtration to eliminate contaminants like lead, chlorine, and heavy metals. Enjoy refreshing, high-quality drinking water straight from the tap that exceeds safety standards. Easy to install and maintain, our systems deliver a reliable source of purified water, providing peace of mind with every sip.

Whole House Water Softening Systems

Combat hard water issues with our whole house water softening systems, which efficiently remove calcium and magnesium buildup. Enjoy softer skin, longer-lasting appliances, and brighter laundry. Our innovative technology ensures consistent water softening throughout your home, extending the lifespan of your plumbing while reducing scale buildup and improving overall water quality.

Commercial Water Treatment Solutions

Elevate your business operations with our customized commercial water treatment solutions. Whether it's for restaurants, hotels, or industrial applications, we offer scalable systems that optimize water quality and reduce maintenance costs. Our advanced filtration technology guarantees uninterrupted, crystal-clear water flow, ensuring a safe and reliable supply for your employees and customers.

Experience the Waterlux Difference

Discover why our customers trust Waterlux for their water filtration needs. Read their stories and hear how we transformed their homes and businesses.

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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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From the free water quality consultation to the final installation, our experience with WATERLUX was outstanding. They are the experts in water treatment systems, and their attention to detail is second to none. If you're in Broward County, look no further for your water solutions

David L., Fort LaudErdale

We needed a robust water treatment solution for our industrial operations in Broward County, and WATERLUX delivered exactly that. Their high-capacity systems manage our demands effortlessly, improving our operational efficiency and product quality.


Living in Fort Lauderdale, it’s crucial to have a reliable water softening system because of the hard water. After installing WATERLUX system, I’ve noticed a remarkable difference in water quality. Our appliances last longer, and the water feels so much softer on the skin! I couldn’t be happier with their prompt and professional service.

Carolyn R., Fort Lauderdale, FL

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Knowledge Well

Healthy water facts and expert advice

reliable water softener system installation services near you
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Discover reliable water softener system installation services near you to ensure top-notch water quality at home.
it feels great to have your laundry washed in soft water thanks to whole house water softener
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09 May, 2023
Hard water quality with its elevated levels of minerals is a hidden enemy to Appliances and Plumbing. Accumulated deposits can clog pipes and reduce efficiency.
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Find the Best Water Filtration Systems at WaterLux for pure, clean water at home. Trust WaterLux for effective solutions, ensuring a healthier water experience.
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