Exhibitor Resource Center

March 8-9 2023 | Jacob K Javits Convention Center, New York


  • Booth: 1408


Wine Flavor Analysis Company

Wine Starndard Aroma Provider

The aromas of wine have a multitude of personalities that mirrors the different regions and cultures from which it comes and where it is savored. The volatile aromatics, flavors, and taste profiles require a unique a language by which we can communicate with others the sometimes subtle and other times overwhelming rush of sensation we experience as we gently inhale the aroma and allow the wine to roll over tongues. We designed our wine kit with a philosophy of creating a more systemized instrument of analysis that enables you to describe with confidence and in a language used by experts the unique personality of each.

The select aromas that comprise the Wine Aroma Kit enable both beginning wine enthusiasts and trained professionals with a level of exactness and certainty never before available. As a member of the wine industry, whether you are upstream such as growers and distributors or downstream including wine taster and sommelier, this kit will create new opportunities for you to engage yourself to a new level with finished wine aromas.


Please feel free to e-mail us at customerservice@divcom.com, use the chat feature below, or call +1-207-842-5508. We look forward to working with you in preparation for a successful event!