Available Timeslot
Scheduled Appointment
Personal Appointments
Appointment Request
Blocked Timeslot
Restricted Timeslot
Exhibitor List
Mega Resveratrol |
404 |
SFI Health |
311 |
Klean Athlete |
203 |
Pure Encapsulations |
103, 203 |
Biocidin Botanicals |
320 |
Vital Nutrients |
121 |
Genestra Brands |
203 |
Metagenics |
200 |
AllClear Healthcare |
1007 |
Standard Process Inc. |
401 |
123 HBOT, LLC |
1123 |
3X4 Genetics |
1002 |
ABS-RX A Division of American BioSciences Inc. |
107 |
Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine (AIHM) |
2119 |
Adams Trading Group LLC |
1210 |
AIDP, Inc. |
510 |
AllClear Healthcare |
1007 |
Allergy Research Group |
129 |
Amen Clinics |
230 |
American Biotech Labs |
312 |
American Board of Integrative Medicine |
26 |
American Holistic Nurses Association |
2117 |
Ananda Professional |
1018 |
Apex Energetics Inc. |
100 |
AthenaPsych |
1005 |
Atlantis Therapy |
1013 |
Auro Wellness |
1010 |
Aviv Clinics |
1208 |
Ayush Herbs Inc. |
133 |
Azuluna Foods |
1600 |
Beekeeper's Naturals |
1100 |
Berkeley Life |
210 |
BHRT Training Academy |
1003 |
Biocanic, Inc. |
226 |
Biocidin Botanicals |
320 |
Bioclinic Naturals |
224 |
BioProtein Technology |
1110 |
Biotics Research Corporation |
109 |
Blatman Health and Wellness Center |
29 |
Boiron |
115 |
Boston Heart Diagnostics |
308 |
BrainMaster Technologies, Inc. |
228 |
Breast Thermography International |
31 |
Calocurb |
1019 |
Calroy Health Sciences |
221 |
Canada RNA Biochemical Inc. |
235 |
Carlson Laboratories Inc. |
327 |
Cell Science Systems Corp. |
33 |
Cellcore Biosciences |
1301 |
Central Maine Medical Center |
28 |
Charlotte's Web Inc. |
135 |
Citymeals on Wheels |
30 |
ClinicBoost |
1211 |
Cyrex Laboratories, LLC |
227 |
Daiwa Health Development |
400 |
Defense Health Agency |
1106 |
Designs for Health |
117 |
1209 |
Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory |
315 |
Dietitians in Integrative and Functional Medicine |
2123 |
Doctor's Data Inc. |
213 |
Douglas Laboratories |
203 |
DUTCH Test |
325 |
electroCore, Inc. |
310 |
Empire City Laboratories |
208 |
Essential Organics |
35 |
EuroMedica |
303 |
EVEXIAS Health Solutions |
1117 |
Fairhaven Health |
121 |
Fidia Pharma USA |
1309 |
Floré by Sun Genomics |
1016 |
Gaia Herbs PRO |
509 |
Genestra Brands |
203 |
geneType |
504 |
Genova Diagnostics |
113 |
GoWellnessTV powered by RidgeLogic Development |
1104 |
Heads Up Health |
1213 |
Health Experts Alliance |
1004 |
Healthgevity |
208 |
Host Defense® Mushrooms™ |
501 |
Hue Light USA |
1024 |
I.B. Natural |
512 |
ID Medical Devices LLC |
1025 |
Indus Biotech Limited |
1008 |
InnoVision Health Media |
20 |
Integrative Medicine for Mental Health 2024 |
1031 |
Integrative Therapeutics |
304 |
IntellxxDNA™ |
32 |
Jigsaw Health |
405 |
Johnson Compounding & Wellness |
215 |
Jona |
1308 |
Kaneka Nutrients |
206 |
Klean Athlete |
203 |
Koncentrated K |
333 |
Kyowa Hakko USA Inc |
22 |
Living Plate Rx |
511 |
Longevity by Nature |
1012 |
LymeCore Botanicals LLC |
513 |
Made Whole Nutrition |
34 |
Maison Beljanski |
323 |
McArthur Insurance Agency, Inc. |
1011 |
Medical Marketing Whiz |
24 |
Medovie |
1006 |
Medpro |
324 |
MedSol |
225 |
Mega Resveratrol |
404 |
mescreen |
508 |
Metabolic Maintenance |
507 |
Metagenics |
200 |
Microbiome Labs |
1205 |
Molecular BioLife |
1306 |
Mosaic Diagnostics (formerly Great Plains Laboratory) |
402 |
Natrusolate Americas Inc. |
1015 |
Natural Practitioner Magazine/VRM Media |
23 |
NBPure |
1113 |
NCMIC Insurance Company |
21 |
Nordic Naturals |
234 |
Northeast College of Health Sciences |
2125 |
Novalab Corp |
506 |
1303 |
NuMedica LLC |
1206 |
Nutramax Laboratories Consumer Care, Inc. |
409 |
OmegaQuant / GC Rieber VivoMega |
1200 |
Omni-Biotic (AllergoSan USA) |
231 |
Oova |
1307 |
Ortho Molecular Products Inc. |
217 |
Ovaterra |
505 |
Oxy Health, LLC |
411 |
Pacific College of Health & Science (Acupuncture/Nursing) |
2120 |
Patient One MediNutritionals & ECS Therapeutics |
229 |
PD Labs Compounding Pharmacy |
1001 |
Pendulum Therapeutics |
330 |
Pharma Nord Inc. |
410 |
Physician's Strength |
1014 |
PNOE Inc. |
1121 |
Premier Research Labs |
207 |
Protocol For Life Balance |
305 |
Pure Encapsulations |
103, 203 |
Quantum Drops |
1602 |
Queen of the Thrones |
331 |
Quicksilver Scientific, LLC |
212 |
232 |
Recharge Biomedical |
1027 |
Relax Saunas of Momentum98.com |
412 |
ReligenDX Inc. |
1017 |
ResBiotic |
1115 |
Researched Nutritionals LLC |
125 |
Results RNA LLC |
1102 |
Revelation Pharma |
1204 |
Rupa Health |
131 |
Sensiband |
1119 |
SFI Health |
311 |
SkySail Consumer LLC |
25 |
Standard Process Inc. |
401 |
Stratum Nutrition |
408 |
Sutter Health |
1021 |
TeroMed |
1020 |
The Center for Mind-Body Medicine |
2121 |
The Institute for Functional Medicine |
1009 |
Theralogix |
334 |
Timeline |
326 |
Troscriptions / Health Optimization Medicine and Practice (HOMe/HOPe) |
314 |
TruGen3 |
1000 |
University of Bridgeport |
2115 |
Utiva |
233 |
Vertisis Custom Pharmacy |
503 |
Vibrant Wellness |
332 |
Vireo Systems, Inc. |
211 |
Vita Aid Professional Therapeutics |
406 |
Vital Nutrients |
121 |
VitaminLab |
329 |
VSL#3/Actual Nutrition, Inc. |
1305 |
WishGarden Herbs |
27 |
Wyndmere Naturals Inc |
407 |
Yotsuba Japan USA |
1304 |
Please feel free to e-mail us at customerservice@divcom.com, use the chat feature below, or call +1-207-842-5508. We look forward to working with you in preparation for a successful event!