Exhibitor Resource Center

NOVEMBER 19-20, 2024 / AUSTIN, TX

Safety & Security 

Below you will find safety and security recommendations, as well as the Emergency Response Plan for the event. Please take a moment to review and familiarize yourself with this information in advance of the event and share it with any of your staff who will be on-site.

Personal Safety
  • Event Management works diligently with the facility prior to each event to ensure the safety and security of all exhibitors, attendees, and the event. If you have any security concerns leading up to the event or on-site, bring them to the attention of Event Management. 
  • All persons in the exhibit area must wear a badge. This includes during move-in, event hours, and move-out. Exhibitors are responsible for ordering badges for their workers and staff. 
  • Notify Event Management, or security immediately if you notice any safety hazards or witness anyone being injured anywhere in the building or nearby outside spaces.  
  • Be aware and be prepared. When you leave the facility at the end of the day, remove your badge and have all emergency numbers saved into your phone. Be aware of your surroundings and take caution, especially in the evenings. Travel in pairs or call a cab.
  • Lost & Found articles may be turned in or claimed at Registration during event days. After the event contact the Security Department at 737-787-7016.

Safeguarding Booth Property
  • Coordinate shipping and deliveries. Try to be onsite when your product is being delivered to your booth.
  • Store any valuables in a locked cabinet and cover your displays with a tarp or other covering so your booth items are less visible. Do not leave purses, briefcases, or valuables behind drapes or underneath tables, as this is the first place any thief will look.
  • Try to greet anyone that comes into your booth as this will send a signal that you are aware of their presence; this will discourage any perpetrators from attempting to steal.
  • If your booth contains a lot of valuables which are difficult to secure or time-consuming to setup or teardown daily, it is recommended that your hire your own security guard overnight.
  • During the start of move-out, stay with your booth until all your items are fully packed up. Do not leave your booth immediately; spend some time in your booth until the floor clears. This is a common time during which theft occurs. Schedule outbound travel accordingly.
  • Obtain proper insurance coverage for your goods, including transit to and from the show site.
  • Do not leave any prototype product unsecured in your booth.

Exhibit Hall Security
  • Be Careful! Event Management has a 24-hour security service for general surveillance of the event and facility as a whole. This does not include individual booth monitoring and it is up to exhibitors to exercise prudent judgment and to safeguard your personal property and belongings. 
  • Even with security as protection, exhibitors are asked to take precautions in guarding their exhibits. Remember that move-in and move-out hours are particularly sensitive times when thefts are most likely to occur. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR BOOTH UNATTENDED. At the end of each day, take any valuables with you. If you need to leave, we strongly recommend packing up all items and hiring private security for your booth. 
  • Security guards will "sweep" the halls at the close of the event each day to clear them of all visitors and personnel. Only exhibitor personnel who have requested special permission will be allowed in the halls after closing.
  • Any thefts or damage must be reported to event management or security immediately.

Emergency Response Plan

The purpose of the Emergency Response Plan is to provide guidelines to prepare for potential crisis or emergency situations. We want to ensure all exhibitors are provided with important information and proper communication during an emergency.

Public Safety

Exhibitors should report any suspicious activity as soon as possible to Venue Security immediately, and describe specifically what you observed, including: who or what you saw, when you saw it, where it occurred and why it's suspicious.

Below is information regarding Emergency, Security, and Safety Awareness at the Austin Marriott Downtown, 304 E. Cesar Chavez Street, Austin TX 78701; Phone # 512-457-1111. Ultimately, if an emergency or threat occurs, an announcement will come through the hotel’s PA system, if possible. Please follow the hotel’s instructions. If you have any additional questions, please contact Matthew Heflin, the Loss Prevention Manager at 737-787-7016.

Austin Downtown Marriott Emergency Protocol
  • In case of an Emergency 
    Dial “0” from any house phone to report an Emergency. If someone were to dial 911 from a hotel (house) phone, At Your Service, is notified instantly who then notifies Loss Prevention. The Loss Prevention Office is staffed 24 hours per day, 7 Days a week. Loss Prevention can be reached at 737-787-7017 or 737-787-7016 

    Hotel Evacuation 
    In the event there is a hotel evacuation an announcement will come on over the Public Address System (PA system) informing everyone to evacuate the hotel in a safe and calm manner. Selected hotel staff members will be positioned outside the emergency exit doors and walking throughout the hotel to ensure all guests have cleared the hotel. Locate the nearest emergency exit to exit the hotel. Depending on where you are at in the hotel will depend on which emergency exits you take. The meeting point for evacuating guest and hotel associates it the exterior of the Austin Convention Center directly across the street from the hotel to the east. 

    • Emergency evacuation plans are posted, along with a map, on the back of all guest room doors 
    • If an emergency or threat occurs outside: The Austin Marriott Downtown, please remain in your meeting room and wait for directions from the hotel staff. 
    • If an emergency or threat occurs inside: The Austin Marriott Downtown, will make an announcement and staff will escort guests to the relocation places.

  • If the Fire Alarm Sounds:

Fire Alarms are the most common alarms that guests could hear during their stay. Fire alarms can be triggered by many different situations. These situations but are not limited to smoke, steam, aerosol cans, water pressure, dirt, dust and fire. Remember to stay calm if you are in the hotel and hear the fire alarm sound. Selected hotel staff members will begin to investigate the cause of the alarm. As the hotel receives more information, we will be able to update you as to the safety of the alarm. All emergency alarms must be taken seriously. There is no way of knowing if you are hearing a “False Alarm” or if there is a real emergency. After the firm alarm has been silenced, you may still have strobe lights flashing. These strobe lights will continue to flash until the system can be reset by the Austin Fire Department. Finally, after the system is reset, an announcement will come on over the Public Address System (PA system) informing everyone the hotel is safe or if an evacuation is needed. 

  • Earthquakes

The greatest threat during an earthquake is falling debris. Earthquakes are unpredictable and strike without warning. It is important to know the appropriate steps in order to be able to react quickly and safely. Remember as with a fire alarm activation that elevators and escalators will not be available for use during an evacuation.


When the earth begins to shake the immediate impulse can be to evacuate. The best option is to remain calm. Remain inside the building and ‘Duck, Cover and Hold’.
Seek immediate shelter under a heavy desk or table or brace yourself inside a door frame or against an inside wall. If shaking causes the desk or table to move, be sure to move with it.
Get at least 15 feet away from all windows.
Remain calm and resist the urge to panic.
Expect to hear noise from broken glass, creaking walls, falling objects; don’t be surprised if the power goes off or alarms start ringing.
Do not light matches or cause sparks until gas lines are checked.
Be aware of your surroundings and look up for objects, such as light fixtures, that may have come lose after the earthquake and be prepared to move out of their path.


Similar to the instructions above be aware of objects above you that might fall such as wires, building material and glass.
Move away from buildings and utility poles.
Watch for falling glass, electrical wires, poles or other debris.
The fire department, however, tells us that it is not necessary to evacuate a building after all earthquakes. As soon as possible after an earthquake the Convention Center will evaluate the situation and determine if an evacuation is needed and, if so, announcements will be made over the Public Address system. Listen for any announcements and follow the direction of Convention Center personnel.

Additional Emergency Phone Numbers 
Security Team  737-787-7016
National Weather Service – Austin (830) 629-0130
Austin – Emergency 911
Austin City Police – Non Emergency


Medical Emergency Information

415 W. 2nd St. Austin

(512) 972-9200
Fire Department 401 E. 5th st. Austin (512)974-0130

Urgent Care Facilities:

Express ER
Austin Emergency Center

2020 E. Riverside Dr., Austin
4015 S. Lamar Blvd., Austin

Dell Seton Medical Center

(At University of TX

1500 Red River St. Austin (512) 324-7000
Closest Pharmacies:
1920 E Riverside drive Austin 
500 Congress Ave Austin 

Closest non-emergency care facility

or “walk-in” type clinic:
CareNow Urgent Care

517 South Lamer Blvd Austin  (512)861-8055

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Please feel free to e-mail us at customerservice@divcom.com, use the chat feature below, or call +1-207-842-5508. We look forward to working with you in preparation for a successful event!