Exhibitor Resource Center

14-16 September 2022 | Singapore

Pacific Sea Cucumber Harvesters Association

Union Bay,  BC 
  • Booth: G02

The Pacific Sea Cucumber Harvesters Association (PSCHA) is an industry association established in 1992 to represent harvesters and provide a forum to develop consensus industry positions in the Giant Red Sea Cucumber (Apostichopus californicus) fishery in British Columbia, Canada. The Association also coordinates industry contributions to research in support of the fishery and marketing of the products. Our core mandate is: to encourage and advise on the sustainable and responsible use of Giant Red Sea Cucumber resources in BC; promote quality through all stages of harvesting, processing and transport ; to communicate these efforts by coordinating operations and marketing; and to consult and collaborate effectively with Fisheries and Oceans Canada, the province of BC, First Nations and community and user groups.

 Additional Info

Please identify the certifications your company has. (Check all that apply)


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