Calmel & Joseph

  • Booth: 725-5

Founded in 1995, Calmel & Joseph is above all a very human endeavour that sprang from passion and the meeting of minds. After having toured the world, we decided to settle at the end of "Chemin de la Madone", just a few steps away from the City of Carcassonne in the most westerly estate in the Corbières appellation. Because this is where our roots lie : in the Languedoc-Roussillon. It is in this viticultural eldorado where all things are possible, from the grapevine to the bottle, that we create all our wines. We have patiently forged strong relationships with our growers from practically all the region's appellations. Convinced of the extraordinary potentiel of these terroirs, we live this adventure to the full every day. We make, blends and age our wines with a fierce determination to show the extraordinary identity of this Mediterranean region. It is this singularity that our partners and Ambassadors take pleasure in communicating ti lovers of good wine. Seeing our bottles on the table, being at the heart of moments of conviviality, that is our greatest satisfaction.


Please feel free to e-mail us at, use the chat feature below, or call +1-207-842-5508. We look forward to working with you in preparation for a successful event!