Familia Kretschmar Wines

Guaymallen, Mendoza, 
  • Booth: 1031

We are the Kretschmar Family, we make wine with the values that we share: commitment, transparency and passion. We are a family from Mendoza, Argentina. Born, raised and in love with our land, our wines carry the names of the plants that adapted poetically to this soil.

Chupasangre and Sanguinaria are the two native species which, in our eyes, spruce up in the austere landscape whose soil is perfect for vine growing. They fight, grow slowly, don´t get water, their branches tousled by the Zonda wind and nevertheless, they flower and offer the best of their soul. We are a family who believe in the family, our children: 4 sprouts that carry on the DNA and the joy. We are Kretschmar Family. We want to share wines and life.


Please feel free to e-mail us at customerservice@divcom.com, use the chat feature below, or call +1-207-842-5508. We look forward to working with you in preparation for a successful event!