Ascenz Marorka

  • Booth: 348

Through our experience, deep knowledge of the industry across sectors and collaborative spirit, we help our customers to prepare for the future of the industry, improve the efficiency of operations and become more sustainable. Our mission is to deliver the most comprehensive, innovative and reliable solution to ship owners and charterers globally, for all types of vessels. We have more than 20 years of experience, offering state-of-the-art digital solutions and providing services by experts in ship performance optimisation, weather routing, LNG cargo management, OSV operations and bunkering.


    Our EFMS provides real-time fuel usage data to identify inefficiencies and reduce consumption. Features include fuel pilferage prevention, usage reporting, on-board dashboard, bunker monitoring, activity manager, geo-fencing, and tank level monitoring....

  • Fuel cost is the most expensive factor in operating a vessel, accounting for up to 70% of total ship operating costs. Our Electronic Fuel Monitoring System provides real-time data on fuel usage, enabling vessel operators to identify inefficiencies and develop a robust management plan to reduce fuel consumption. It includes fuel pilferage prevention measures and reporting capabilities for tracking fuel usage and analysing data over time. With our system, ship owners and charterers have the information they need to save costs.


    The on-board Dashboard presents a real-time visualisation of your vessel’s performance metrics. Using the touchscreen embedded on the bridge, crew on-board have an overview of vessel performance during actual operations to closely monitor the vessel’s overall fuel consumption. Performance data captured enables the crew to make timely response on benchmark deviations to achieve optimised fuel efficiency.


    Bunkering monitoring is essential for the detection, recording and tracking of the bunker status. The BunkerXchange provides real-time visualisation of bunkering process. The crew onboard will have full visibility of bunker profiles, enabling improved productivity and procurement assessments. Inaccuracies resulting from manual reporting and data collection are eliminated.


    As an add on to the Fuel Consumption Monitoring module, the Activity Manager automates data mining for individualised activity fuel consumption to improve work efficiency on-board Offshore Support Vessels. Through a customised selection of activities on the application, the platform accurately collects data to present a full overview of each vessel’s performance and efficiency. Users and fleet owners are able to improve work efficiency with significantly reduced man-hours needed for manual data collections. 

    • It compiles a summary of the vessel activities each month, providing operators with a full overview of each vessel’s performance and efficiency at a glance
    • It granulises the fuel consumption data according to the events carried out by the vessel
    • Data mining can be automated through machine learning. The process will reduce man hours spent on manual collection of data, allowing better allocation of resources to improve work efficiency
    • A summary of monthly activities is automatically compiled based on the data received from the Activity Dashboard


    Geo-fencing involves the creation of a virtual fence according to a user’s defined set of geographical boundaries. Using the global positioning system (GPS), users are notified about their vessels’ exact position and if they stay within the defined boundaries, together with other location-specific information like weather conditions. 

    Having a robust, scalable platform like the Geo-fencing module helps ship owners and operators gain visibility of fleet movement to make informed operation decisions. With its easy-to-use features, the application enables better fleet management with real-time location-based information of vessels.

    • Pre-defined alerts can be set to improve monitoring of vessel movements
    • Close monitoring and recordings of vessel activities can provide awareness and can be used to assist in resolving disputes
    • Close to real-time actions can be taken when alerted
    • Fleet Tracking


    Depending on the sensors available on-board, the ROB can be consolidated using the inlet and outlet flow measurement. When a tank level sensor is available, it provides accurate measurement of the remaining on-board.

    It offers Fleet Analytics, Performance Evaluation for speed and consumption baselines and Hull & Propeller Monitoring for fuel savings. It includes Machinery Optimisation, Charter Party and Voyage Overview and Speed Optim for efficient transit speeds....


    Gain insights into your fleet’s operation through guided analytics. Detailed filters and data selection to provide instant display of historical data for comparison and benchmarking abilities. Improves decision making based on real data.


    Visualise speed consumption and speed power data and create baselines based on statistical fits, allowing performance comparison between time periods for the same vessel or between vessels in the same class. These baselines are the foundation for performance analytics such as fuel tables and retrofit assessment.


    Speed drop is used to evaluate the hull performance, by comparing auto-logged data and speed-power baselines, as well as complying to ISO 19030 standard. This result in significant fuel cost savings through better monitoring of hull and propeller performance, allowing for informed planning of hull cleaning, propeller polishing and dry docking. Automated reports are generated for used in quick and effortless decision-making.


    Live dashboards show real-time overview of machinery operation providing crew with advice on how to operate more efficiently and identify aspects that can be improved to increase efficiency.


    Accurate and automated analysis of voyage execution against the charter party agreement, either after or during the voyage.


    This application recommends the best speed for transit periods. The thresholds are defined based on an expert data analysis, taking into account the operational constraints (more flexibility for the crew or strict limitation of high consumption). The online portal gives a detailed analysis of the savings, potential savings and missed opportunities for saving to increase the crew awareness and advocate the best practices providing tangible benefits.

    Discover the excellence of the solution provided by Vessel Performance Solutions, our sibling company. With a proven track record in the market, it is renowned for its VESPER software....


    VESPER software ensures operational efficiency offering daily vessel monitoring and long-term trend analysis via its broad web interface. Create custom dashboards to track your fleet from anywhere. Access analytical data via excel, API, or via your own Business Intelligence tool. Seamless data feed options include direct vessel delivery, FTP upload, or API integration, accommodating both daily reports and sensor data. 


    Maintaining a clean hull for optimal vessel performance is crucial. Key factors influencing hull condition include underwater paint quality, dry docking intervals, treatment methods, operational patterns, paint thickness, and frequency of cleanings. We advocate for condition-based monitoring to ensure propulsion efficiency. VESPER offers various performance indicators tailored to specific vessel classes, derived from comprehensive data analysis and inspections. Instantaneous trend calculations and fleet-wide performance comparisons enable informed decision-making. 



    Efficient vessel operation hinges on a well-tuned engine. Monitoring engine efficiency via Specific Fuel Oil Consumption (SFOC) and performance tests ensures optimal performance. VESPER provides daily SFOC monitoring and compares engine performance to established baselines. Benchmark sister vessels for insights into engine performance, ensuring alignment with the best-performing unit in the fleet. 


    Efficient management of base load and boiler consumption is essential for overall energy optimization onboard vessels. By establishing realistic targets and benchmarking performance, we identify opportunities for savings and improve energy awareness among crews. Our approach involves setting targets and monitoring all vessels against them, identifying outliers for further analysis. Comparing sister vessels with similar setups allows for data-driven adjustments and continual improvement in efficiency across the fleet. 


    Growing environmental regulations, particularly from the EU and IMO, demand heightened transparency and action on energy efficiency and CO2 reduction. We alleviate the burden by automating report generation, ensuring accuracy and compliance. Our Environmental Compliance module seamlessly produces IMO DCS, EU MRV, EU ETS, Fuel EU and EEOI reports, with ongoing updates to meet evolving regulatory requirements and business goals. 


    Effective communication with vessel operators is vital for optimizing energy efficiency, as the crew significantly impacts vessel performance. Introducing the Crew Feedback module, we provide interactive dashboards for onboard use, enabling crew members to monitor their performance KPIs and benchmark against peers. Features include a Vessel Dashboard for performance overview, Operational Data Quality alerts, Main Engine analysis for propulsion consumption, Auxiliary Engine insights into electricity usage, and Boiler comparison for consumption at sea and in port. 

    It optimizes routes, balancing safety and efficiency. Features include fuel and emissions reduction, live recommendations for optimal speeds and trim, and integration for efficient voyage management and TCE optimization, tailored for all types of ships....


    Route-planning and optimisation involves juggling many constraints related to safety, operations and compliance. For ship captains, this is an essential and complex task that requires the aid of a decision-supporting tool to give them confidence in their decisions and support execution.
    GTT has developed an advanced route optimisation solution that is capable of advising the best route by optimising numerous parameters and respecting a large number of operational constraints. The solution is suitable for all types of vessels (tankers, bulkers, container vessels) and all types of propulsion and fuel. Furthermore, combined with the other features of GTT’s Digital Platform, it offers a powerful tool for all the stakeholders to collaborate to reach the organization’s operational and economic objectives.

    Among the optimisation options, we can highlight optimisation of:

    • Voyage duration
    • Voyage distance 
    • Fuel consumption
    • Cost (including fuel, daily cost, canals, carbon tax…)
    • Emissions (taking into account the conversion factor of each fuel)
    • Ship motions (Parametric / Asynchronous rolling, surf-riding/broaching-to, successive high-wave attack…) 

    For LNG carriers, there are specific advanced features:

    • Sloshing prediction
    • LNG cargo loss prediction (while complying with the discharge terminal constraints)

    The algorithm is highly flexible and can be customised with any cost function in order to be optimised. 

    Furthermore, the algorithm takes into consideration many constraints:

    • Ship dimensions for navigational constraints
    • Weather limitation (wave height and wind speed)
    • Forbidden Power/Speed ranges
    • Cargo types (for international and local routes restrictions)
    • Specials areas (with maximum or minimum speed, no-go area)
    • Traffic Separation Schemes
    • Maximum CII (Carbon Intensity Index)


    Online and on-board the vessel, live recommendations of optimal range of shaft speed, optimal GPS speed, and optimal trim throughout the voyage are displayed. Smart comparison of actual vessel route and recommended best performance and savings is summarised.


    Clear and easy-to-use feedback loop between onshore operations and the vessels in your fleet. The voyage plan determined by the commercial department via the web portal is automatically transmitted to the on-board system of the vessel. During the voyage, many targets are monitored and their status of adhering to the set targets are tracked live:

    • Voyage time
    • Target speed
    • Target daily fuel consumption
    • Target ETA
    • Target CO2
    • Target EEOI

    The crew on-board can see the targets set by the commercial team, accompanied with recommendations of operational parameters to keep in target and that are also adjusted to ensure improved energy efficiency. Upon completion of each voyage, a clear summary of the entire voyage and the associate target performance is available for post analysis.


    This tool helps owners, managers and operators to optimise their TCE for every leg and voyage. It suggests the optimal voyage parameters in conjunction with the commercial conditions to optimise TCE performance for each voyage. Customer benefits from:

    • Integrated workflow from the planning to the execution.
    • Real-time monitoring of the TCE.
    • Use of real-time data and performance to optimise the TCE.
    • The models can be enriched with various data sources (e.g. bunker price).
    • Commercial optimisation with state-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence.
    • Interface with commercial and operational tools (e.g. Veson-IMOS).
    • Customisable to specific needs (e.g. costs break-down, result display…).
    • Flexible software for continuous improvement.


    The scheduling tool allows the creation or the import (from an existing system or file) of the vessel schedule for the coming months or years. The activities can be broken down to the extent known to the operator. Based on that, the tool predicts the vessel’s future fuel consumption and CII score in an accurate and realistic manner.

    Supported by GTT expertise for enhanced performance and safety....

  • Please visit our website to know more about LNG solutions or contact us. 

    The module monitors propeller shaft power and sounds an alert in the wheelhouse if it exceeds the EEXI calculated maximum power. The system records measurements and enables crew to report....

  • To know more about this product, visit our website or contact us.

    Reporting & Compliance Management ensures accurate ship operation and fuel data for emissions oversight and regulatory compliance. It tracks CII ratings to monitor and improve vessel efficiency. Smart Reporting enhances energy management....


    Proper recording of ship operations and fuel consumption provides a clear overview of ship emissions. Systematically logged data are used for compliance reporting such as EU/UK MRV, IMO DCS and any ESG reporting specific to your organization.


    The CII determines the annual reduction factor needed to ensure continuous improvement of a ship’s operational carbon intensity within a specific rating level. The actual annual operational CII achieved must be documented and verified against the required annual operational CII.

    Based on a ship’s CII, its carbon intensity will be rated A, B, C, D or E (where A is the best). The rating indicates a major superior, minor superior, moderate, minor inferior, or inferior performance level.

    Our platform provides a clear overview of vessel’s CII and the targets to promote awareness. The continuous monitoring ensures that all vessels are complying with the rating and helps identity vessels that need to improve their operational performance.

    Our advanced prognosis tool allows active simulation of different scenarios leading to realistic projections and informed decisions.


    Smart reporting is an application that helps track and improve the energy management of the vessels. It works on-board and allows crew to collect and store data in a range of reports. Smart reporting includes prepopulated data and divides each voyage into typical sections (maneuvering, sea passage, canal passage, etc.) and allows for appropriate reporting logic in each case. Data is transmitted from the vessel to shore, providing a framework for performance analysis.


Please feel free to e-mail us at, use the chat feature below, or call +1-207-842-5508. We look forward to working with you in preparation for a successful event!