AIT Coatings

Princeton Jtc.,  NJ 
United States
  • Booth: 332

Since pioneering the use of flexible epoxy technology for electronic packaging in 1985, AI Technology (AIT) has been one of the leading forces in developing advanced materials and adhesive solutions for electronic interconnection and packaging with more than 30 patented technologies. We are now proud to introduce AIT Coatings for our new Over Coat Protection Coating Division.

We are excited to introduce a material that has been around for decades, but now can be utilized in a totally new application.

By directly blocking moisture from entering into the current coating, it is effectively preventing corrosive salt ions and gases from attacking the metallic surface. An additional benefit is UV blocking, thus preventing fading from sun light.

Stop by Booth #536 to learn more about FLUOROSEAL®  .and how it can extend the life of your equipment, and reduce maintenance costs as well.


Please feel free to e-mail us at, use the chat feature below, or call +1-207-842-5508. We look forward to working with you in preparation for a successful event!