Glasgow,  Renfrewshire 
United Kingdom
  • Booth: UI-4036

JFD is the world leading underwater capability provider, serving the commercial and defence markets with innovative diving, submarine rescue and hyperbaric technical solutions and services. JFD has unrivalled pedigree and customer understanding within the underwater environment built upon 40 years providing support, availability and trusted services to our global clients. We have a proven track record both in the delivery of highly capable products and systems and also operating in high pressure and critical situations. JFD has grown to become a truly global company and has established global operations, enabling us to respond with trained and experienced personnel to customer demand anywhere in the world. Pursuing its goal of improving the global standard of subsea safety, JFD supports diving operations with equipment, systems, training, testing, in-service and emergency support, engineering, and consultants around the world. JFD manufactures and supplies a wide range of highly capable and innovative diving and subsea products for the commercial and hyperbaric sectors. Our products are delivered across all continents and for over 40 years have set the industry standard for quality and reliability.


  • Commercial Diving Equipment & Services
    JFD supports diving operations with equipment, systems, training, testing, in-service and emergency support,
    engineering, and consultants around the world.

  • Our products are delivered across all continents and for over 40 years have set the industry standard for quality and reliability.

    JFD manufactures both integrated and modular saturation diving systems which are world renowned for their
    innovative technological and operational advancements which improve diver comfort, functionality and practicality.

    The company’s track record shows more than 100 systems built and / or refurbished spanning the last 35 years.
    JFD equipment can be found on two third’s of the world’s diving vessels.

  • Tactical Diving Vehicles
    JFD offers a range of Tactical Diving Vehicles (TDVs) as adaptable platforms to support modern maritime operational requirements....

  • As the complexity of today’s Tactical Diving missions evolve, the need for increasingly sophisticated equipment is essential.

    Getting close to the littoral zone within realistically achievable swimming distances of an objective, discretely and covertly, is becoming increasingly challenging.

    JFD offers a range of Tactical Diving Vehicles (TDVs).

    The primary function of these vehicles is to facilitate the insertion and extraction of tactical diving teams and their equipment. Our vehicles are surface or subsurface crafts, each optimised for a particular deployment method or mission profile.

  • Life Support Systems
    JFD offers a range of Tactical Diving Life Support Systems which use both advanced and proven technology....

  • JFD offers a range of Tactical Diving Life Support Systems which use both advanced and proven technology to
    support a range of operational profiles to enable a Special Operations Forces (SOF) team to effectively and efficiently carry our their mission.

    Our range of Life Support Systems have been developed over 40 years and are fully integratable to interface efficiently with our Tactical Diving Vehicles and other ancillary

    We offer a range of closed and semiclosed circuit rebreathers which can extend diving durations whilst limiting the detrimental physiological impact of excessive oxygen and nitrogen exposure.

    The JFD range of Tactical Diving Life Support Systems continue to offer exceptional operational performance and capability across a broad mission spectrum.
  • Submarine Rescue
    As an established provider to 42 navies, JFD delivers innovative and technically advanced submarine
    escape and rescue solutions...

  • As an established provider to 42 navies, JFD delivers innovative and technically advanced submarine escape and rescue solutions that improve safety and preserve life in the event of a submarine incident.

    JFD’s capabilities span the entire submarine escape, rescue, abandonment and survival (SMERAS) environment. JFD is unique in being able to deliver solutions across all of these areas as a one-stop shop.

    Offering a portfolio of products and services including design, manufacture, operations and support, JFD has incomparable experience within this challenging environment.

    A rigorous set of management systems and processes and an unblemished safety record ensure that the company delivers high quality services around the clock and around
    the world.

    JFD continues to set new benchmarks and standards for submarine escape and rescue, this continuous improvement is the hallmark of how we deliver long-term value to all our customers.

    JFD delivers world class submarine escape training which best prepares submariners in the event of a distressed submarine incident. We are able to offer training using clients own facilities and also have partnerships with various global facilities.

    We have highly specialised manufacturing hubs around the world where we design, build, assemble, test, maintain and service our submarine rescue systems.

    We are proud to have completed work on some of the world’s most technological advanced Deep Search & Rescue Vehicles.

 Additional Info

Underwater Intervention (UI)
*Underwater Intervention (UI) Exhibitor


Please feel free to e-mail us at customerservice@divcom.com, use the chat feature below, or call +1-207-842-5508. We look forward to working with you in preparation for a successful event!