15 Years and 20,000 Marketing Experiments Later: How to Listen to Customers and Find What Works

  • Room: Octavius 17-18
  • Session Number: 49
Wednesday,January 31, 2024:3:45 PM -4:45 PM


Chris Garlock
Vice President, Marketing Strategy
Allianz Partners


Since 2007, Allianz Partners has been conducting marketing experiments through their B2B2C partnerships with some of the most iconic travel and event ticketing brands in the world. Having conducted nearly 20,000 experiments ranging from simple A/B tests to utilizing advanced machine-learning techniques, they have learned some of the top tricks for driving conversion and how to run a scalable and sustainable optimization program. Allianz Partners has also collected over 287 billion data points that reveal how much ticket purchasing behavior has evolved in recent years. Finally, learn how a robust Voice of Customer program can transform simple data into truly actionable insights. After all, customers aren't just transactions, they're fans.



Additional Info

Key Learning #1:
How to drive meaningful growth through a conversion optimization program even if you don't have access to advanced technology.

Key Learning #2:
Massive changes in consumer booking behavior across the event ticketing industry.

Key Learning #3:
How to listen to customers and transform that data into customer-value-driven initiatives that benefit your business.