Navigating Chargebacks with Visa's CE3 Guidelines: Safeguarding Event Ticketing Merchants and Customers

  • Room: Octavius 9
  • Session Number: 96
Wednesday,January 31, 2024:11:00 AM -12:00 PM


Holly Sandberg
Mandi Grimm (she/her)
Director, Fraud Prevention


This presentation will delve into the complex world of chargebacks, specifically focusing on Visa's Compelling Evidence (CE3) guidelines. Attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of Visa's CE3 guidelines and how they impact the dispute resolution process. While discussing best practices, panelists will explore effective strategies to prevent chargebacks, resolve disputes efficiently, and enhance customer satisfaction. Join us as we demystify chargebacks and show you how to properly measure them, deter as many as possible, and win more of the ones you can’t prevent.


Additional Info

Key Learning #1:
Visa's CE3 Guidelines

Key Learning #2:
Best practices to reduce chargebacks and enhance customer satisfaction.

Key Learning #3:
Practical techniques for efficiently handling chargeback disputes.

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