It's a Small (Ticketing) World - Exploring Common Challenges and Themes Across the Industry

  • Room: Octavius 5
Tuesday,January 30, 2024:10:30 AM -12:00 PM


Andrew Bragman
Vice President, Ticket Operations
SoFi Stadium, YouTube Theater, Hollywood Park
Eric Sikorski
Executive Director, Ticket Operations
Kroenke Sports & Entertainment
Johnny Mendez
Senior Director, Ticket Operations
SoFi Stadium
Joshua Evans
Executive Director, Ticket Operations
Kroenke Sports and Entertainment
Maria Fulay (she/her)
Senior Director, Ticket Operations
YouTube Theater
Ricky Casady
Vice President, Ticketing Operations
Kroenke Sports and Entertainment


Using the diverse teams, venues and properties of Kroenke Sports and Entertainment as our canvas, this session will look at the similarities and differences that ticketing professionals encounter in theaters, arenas and stadiums, as well as in concerts, sporting events and more. Despite what appear to be major differences, how can we learn from everyone's experiences and best practices? The panel will include ticketing leadership from stadiums, arenas and theaters that present content ranging from award shows to concerts to sports. Topics will include pricing and revenue maximization, inventory management and staffing.



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Key Learning #1:
We have more in common than we think! At our core, we all have the same goals and similar methods.

Key Learning #2:
What we can learn from seemingly very different venues and operations to make ourselves better ticketing professionals.

Key Learning #3:
Specific areas where synergies exist and what are the best ways to share this information across different verticals.

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