Attain Your Health and Wellness Goals with Our Move Steady Barre System and Programs!

    Our line of products is complemented by a variety of programs conceived to ensure your workout regimen remains tailored to your individual fitness needs. Find the perfect program for you and reach your goals today!

      Try the Move Steady Barre System Now - Rediscover Your Strength with Greater Stability and Confidence!

      Developed by an occupational therapist, the Move Steady Barre System provides seniors with a safe and supportive way to gain strength, balance and agility without worrying about risks like falling. Try it now and discover newfound stability and confidence!

        Discover Improved Balance and Confidence with Our Low-Impact Barre Workouts!

        Taking care of your health and fitness doesn't need to be intimidating - our low-impact barre workout system is designed specifically for seniors, so you can enjoy the benefits and camaraderie of physical activity in a safe and welcoming environment.


          Attain Your Health and Wellness Goals with Our Move Steady Barre System and Programs!


            Try the Move Steady Barre System Now - Rediscover Your Strength with Greater Stability and Confidence!


              Discover Improved Balance and Confidence with Our Low-Impact Barre Workouts!

              About Us

              Welcome To Longevity Systems

              With over 30 years of experience in the fitness and health industry, Longevity Systems is committed to helping our clients maintain their independence, vitality and quality of life. Our comprehensive range of solutions includes home-based exercise programs and courses for retirement communities so that you can choose the best option for your unique needs. Let us help you stay active - contact us today!

              Why Choose Us

              Interdisciplinary Approach

              Longevity Systems improves the senior lifestyle by combining traditional exercising methods with an innovative barre system. We aim to provide you with the tools you need to regain independence and restore natural movement patterns.

              Enhanced Lifestyle

              Our products and training sessions are designed to inspire lasting change. We witness transformation right before our eyes: seniors walk into class with a certain confidence and leave stronger than ever - ready to take control of their lives!

              How It Works


              Step One

              Begin by standing outside the Barre System, facing inwards for an interactive experience.

              Step Two

              Enjoy the camaraderie of 2-3 people per section, with a capacity for up to 18 participants to create an energetic atmosphere.

              Step Three

              Benefit from personalized guidance as our skilled instructor takes center stage at the central crossbar.

              Step Four

              Feel empowered using the Barre System, offering tailored support for stability and confidence during your journey to improved mobility.

              How It Works


              Step One

              Begin by standing outside the Barre System, facing inwards for an interactive experience.

              Step Two

              Enjoy the camaraderie of 2-3 people per section, with a capacity for up to 18 participants to create an energetic atmosphere.

              Step Three

              Benefit from personalized guidance as our skilled instructor takes center stage at the central crossbar.

              Step Four

              Feel empowered using the Barre System, offering tailored support for stability and confidence during your journey to improved mobility.

              Our Products & Courses


              Unlock Your Potential, Get Your Move Steady Barre System Today!

              Move Steady Bar System

              Our revolutionary barre system was designed to help seniors maximize their physical ability and performance, all while considering any individual necessities. Get yours now and rediscover the benefits of an active lifestyle!


              Move Steady Barre System

              Restore natural movement patterns with our Move Steady Barre product! Our system is designed to support individuals of any age or fitness level as they strive toward their physical enhancement goals.


              Barre System Combo With Cart

              Our revolutionary system, complemented with a cart for seamless transportation and storage.


              Barre System Extension Set

              Get ready to take group fitness sessions to the next level with our Move Steady Barre System Extension Set! Perfect for larger settings, this kit will help you and your group get the best out of every session and ensure everyone reaches their full potential.


              Check Out Our Packages



              Join Us For a Virtual Training Session!

              Get a FREE virtual training session with every purchase, and boost your progress with additional sessions at just $199 each.

              Learn More

              Online Video Training

              Getting Started

              How to schedule a virtual training session

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              Testimonial Of The Month

              Our Testimonials


              What Our Happy Patients Are Saying About Us


              Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam eu turpis molestie, dictum est a, mattis tellus. Sed dignissim, metus nec fringilla accumsan, risus sem sollicitudin lacus, ut interdum tellus elit sed risus. Maecenas eget condimentum velit, sit amet feugiat lectus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Praesent auctor purus luctus enim egestas, ac scelerisque ante pulvinar.

              John Doe (Slide 1)

              Client Title
              Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam eu turpis molestie, dictum est a, mattis tellus. Sed dignissim, metus nec fringilla accumsan, risus sem sollicitudin lacus, ut interdum tellus elit sed risus. Maecenas eget condimentum velit, sit amet feugiat lectus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Praesent auctor purus luctus enim egestas, ac scelerisque ante pulvinar.

              John Doe (Slide 2)

              Client Title
              Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam eu turpis molestie, dictum est a, mattis tellus. Sed dignissim, metus nec fringilla accumsan, risus sem sollicitudin lacus, ut interdum tellus elit sed risus. Maecenas eget condimentum velit, sit amet feugiat lectus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Praesent auctor purus luctus enim egestas, ac scelerisque ante pulvinar.

              John Doe (Slide 3)

              Client Title

              Top Benefits of Our Move Steady Barre System

              Our Move Steady Barre system is designed to help individuals of all ages enhance their abilities, regardless of their fitness levels. Discover the benefits that this revolutionary system can provide!


              Increases resident participation


              Builds confidence


              Improves balance


              Restores natural movement patterns


              Enhances functional endurance


              Promotes social engagement


              Provides a sense of accomplishment


              Improves mood, enjoyment and positive outlook


              Helps restore overall activity levels and functional mobility post-Covid



              Walter Stewart

              Our Super Senior Of The Month

              Walter Stewart Walter “Walt” Stewart was one of the founding fathers of Wrestling in Suffolk County Long Island. He began Wrestling at Bayside High School but served in World War II as part of the last Ski regiment that fought in Italy. He earned an American Theater Ribbon, two Bronze Stars, and a WW II Victory medal. After the War Walter matriculated at New York University where he wrestled four years and captained the 1949-50 squad. Knowing that he would pursue coaching High School Wrestling he wanted to learn from the best. He secured a student teaching position at Mepham High School where he mastered Sprig Gardeners famous drill system.

              In 1951 He was hired by Riverhead High School where he ran the Wrestling program until 1985. In his tenure he coached 89 wrestlers to championships. Walt Stewart the Wrestling coach was recognized and honored as an inductee into the National Wrestling Hall of Fame. Walt Stewart the man impacted hundreds of young people who learned about commitment, work ethic, integrity, sportsmanship, and character.

              In 1953 Walter Stewart married Elizabeth Anne Nemety. They had four children - Jim, Emily, Betty and Nancy. Although Walt was as dedicated to the sport of wrestling and to his position as a coach as anyone could be. It was always evident to us that there was nothing more important to him than family. We could all see how he adored his wife and how proud he was of all his children. All of his wrestlers grew up feeling like an extension of the Stewart family. Coach had a kind heart and humble personality. A quiet strength and steadfast demeanor. Respected and looked up to by so many in his community. The lessons we learned in the wrestling room from him and about who he was and what he stood for, are what made Coach Stewart such a valuable mentor to me. I am grateful to have known and wrestled for him. Coach Stewart passed away this year at the age of 98. A true gentleman.


              Learn More About

              The Move Steady Barre System

              Unlock your full potential and get ready to reach your health and wellness goals with Move Steady Barre System. Watch our explanatory video to see how it has helped individuals just like you achieve enhanced physical performance!


              Where Innovation Meets Physical

              Our Story


              Where Innovation Meets Physical Performance

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