San Diego Convention Center
April 10-13, 2023


All exhibitors for the IEEE PES Grid Edge Technologies Conference & Exposition have agreed via their booth contract to the show rules & regulations.

There are columns in the exhibit halls. All are indicated on the floorplan in groups of four, shown with a black dot •

The ceiling height is 27’ 4” with a clearance of 27’ to bottom of truss, 40' to ceiling.

Island booths are surrounded by four aisles, may be built to a maximum height of 20 feet. You must also comply with the facilities guidelines if you plan on constructing a double-deck booth or an enclosed meeting space within your booth space.

An Inline or standard linear booth is a booth of any length, that is 10′ deep. Typically, these booths are 10×10 to 10×40. The ability to have products or services easily seen by attendees as they walk the aisles is essential to all exhibitors, and that is the basis for including a Linear Booth Line-of-Sight setback rule.

Use of Space
Regardless of the number of Linear Booths utilized, e.g., 10ft by 20ft, 10ft by 30ft, 10ft by 40ft, etc., display materials should be arranged in such a manner so as not to obstruct sight lines of neighboring exhibitors. The maximum height of 8ft is allowed only in the rear half of the booth space, with a 4ft height restriction imposed on all materials in the remaining space forward to the aisle.

An Extended Header is permitted if the linear booth is 20ft or longer. Exhibitors with a 10×20 or longer booth may utilize a center (or corner) extended header. All other linear booth rules apply except that the center extended header has a maximum height of 8ft, a maximum width of 20 percent of the length of the booth, and a maximum depth of 9ft from the back wall.

Perimeter booths are located along perimeter walls of the exhibit hall. The booths will back up to the building's actual walls, with no other booths behind them. Exhibiting companies may construct backwalls to a maximum height of 12 feet. Partitions separating the sides of an exhibitor’s booth from the neighboring booth(s) may extend to a maximum height of 12 feet, one-half of the distance from the backwall. In the remaining half distance to the aisle line, no display material may exceed a height of 4 feet.

All floor space in your booth must be covered. Show Management will authorize the official contractor to carpet, at the exhibitor’s expense, any booth space not covered by 4:00 PM on Tuesday, April 11.

Each 10’ x 10’ booth will be set with 8’ high gray and white back drape‚ 3’ high gray side dividers and a 7” x 44” one-line identification sign. Tuxedo (black and white) and plum aisle carpet is provided by Show Management. Floor covering is required for all booths. Exhibitors may provide their own floor covering, but it must cover the entire booth. Rental carpet is available through Freeman.

All draperies, backdrops, floor coverings or other decorative material must be flame-proofed.  All paper and other flimsy material used for decorative purposes are prohibited.

Per SDCC guidelines: Only non-combustible materials or fire-retardant wood may be used for exhibits, scenery, or props. All curtains, drapes, carpet, carpet padding, and decorative materials must be treated with a flame-retardant. The center rigorously enforces this regulation and may field flame test any questionable materials. For additional SDCC regulations such as balloons, read more here.

SDCC does not provide storage for crates or freight of any kind. Freeman will provide storage of crates and other packing materials as part of the material handling services. Combustible materials such as brochures, literature, giveaways, etc., within exhibit booths are limited to a one-day supply. NOTHING may be stored behind booths. All packing containers, wrapping materials, carrying cases, etc., must be stored off the exhibit floor.

Under no circumstances may the weight of any equipment or exhibit material exceed the Exposition Facility’s maximum floor load. The Exhibitor accepts full and sole responsibility for any injury or damage to property or person resulting from failure knowingly or otherwise, to distribute the load of its exhibit material in conformity with the maximum floor load specifications. Specs for any equipment that that may be close to this load should be submitted to Freeman, please be sure to indicate location of the equipment in your booth and on the overall floorplan.

Contact: FREEMAN (888) 508-5054 or access live chat through the Freeman Store

  • Floor load is 350 lbs. per sq. ft.
  • Floor utility boxes are on 30 ft. centers; all boxes have phone and electrical.
  • Airwalls are denoted by dotted lines on floor plans.
  • There are four column types; each column is numbered on floor plans.
  • Halls A-B are in groups of four
  • Ceiling height in Halls A-E is 27'4"; in Halls F-H is 39'4".

Cameras may be used to photograph your booth only. Any other use of cameras (still or video) is prohibited unless permission is granted by individual exhibitors. Please be sure to inform your booth staff as well, this includes pictures from cell phones! Click here for the full IEEE photography policy.

All live animals are prohibited, except for guide and service animals. An exhibitor wishing to display live animals as an integral part of an exhibit must furnish the SDCC with show management’s written approval before any waivers can be made. All approved live animal displays must be located at least 150 feet from any food and/or beverage service. Waiver of this prohibition may depend on type, size, and number of animals, their containment method; handler/trainer supervision, required insurance certificates, etc. Contact the SDCC Event Services Department for information.

The use of sound systems is permissible, provided they are not audible more than 3’0” into the aisle or into neighboring booths, and that the sound is directed exclusively into the exhibitor’s booth. Exposition Management shall have absolute control over this regulation, the intent of which is to ensure that sound systems shall not be audibly objectionable to neighboring Exhibitors. Sound amplification may be used by an Exhibitor only for the dissemination of information to the IEEE PES audience directly relating to products and/or services of the particular company displaying such products and/or services at the IEEE PES Grid Edge Technologies. No image may be projected outside the booth space or to a height greater than ten feet from the floor.

If an uninterrupted power supply is required for the full duration of the show, please order 24-hour power. Electricity is turned on 30 minutes prior to show opening and turned off 30 minutes after the show closes on show days. Power will be turned off immediately after the final show closing. If you require power outside of actual show hours, special arrangements should be made in advance. Additional charges may apply.

Hanging Signs are permitted in Island booths only, the top of the sign should be no higher than 20’. No balloons or blimps may be suspended or tethered. Island booths may hang truss for lighting purposes. 

No “sold” signs or signs of any nature which designate prices or notices of sales are permitted. Signs identifying a machine or product (other than the nameplate that is factory installed) supplied by or manufactured by a non-exhibiting company may not be displayed. Electric flashers or signs involving the use of neon or similar gases are prohibited. Should the wording on any sign or area in an Exhibitor’s booth be deemed by Exposition Management to be contrary in any way to the best interest of the Exhibition, Exhibitor shall make such changes or remove signs as requested by Exposition Management’s decision will be final in such matters.

Machines may be exhibited in their normal commercial form, regardless of height, but please plan accordingly for oversized equipment. While the ceiling height is 27-39′ equipment must fit through the dock doors. We encourage all exhibitors to contact Freeman with exact equipment specifications prior to finalizing equipment display plans. All equipment must be placed at least one foot inside the booth from the aisle line. Further, companies must try whenever possible to avoid blocking the view of a neighboring booth. All demonstration equipment, including the operator’s position, must be located at least one foot removed from the aisle line of the exhibit area. Contact: FREEMAN (888) 508-5054 or access live chat through the Freeman Store

All vehicles on display must meet Fire Marshal approval for display and location. Vehicles on display must adhere to the following rules.

Gas Vehicles:

  • No more than one-quarter tank of gas or five gallons, whichever is less
  • A locking gas cap or tape over the gas cap
  • A drip pan under the vehicle’s drive train (motor to differential)
  • Vehicles shall not be moved during show hours
  • Refueling is prohibited in the facility, on the docks and outside premises
  • Floor plans must indicate where vehicles are to be located
  • Batteries shall be disconnected in an approved manner
  • Electric vehicles must have their battery disconnected once placed in position. If unable to disconnect the battery due to battery location, then the ignition fuse must be removed. Electric vehicles are at no time allowed to be turned on during event hours.

Electric Vehicles:

  • Electric vehicles must have their battery disconnected once placed in position. If unable to disconnect the battery due to battery location, then the ignition fuse must be removed or other approved methods to prevent the vehicle from accidentally or intentionally being moved while on display.
  • Sufficient separation between vehicles on display must be created to prevent the spread of fire or other hazards to adjacent vehicles.
  • Electric vehicles are at no time allowed to be turned on during event hours.
  • No vehicle charging shall take place in the Halls. All necessary charging must take place in the loading dock area or other suitable locations outside the Halls.

View on-site details and how to register.

If your company is planning to demonstrate the use of drones in your booth you must contact gridedge@cemllc.com in advance and restrictions may apply:

  1. Provide netting or plastic area for drone demonstration (other safety features may be approved upon request).  
  2. UAVs fly only in defined exhibit space.  
  3. UAV are prohibited from flying within 18” of any building structure including sprinklers, but not limited to.  
  4. Exhibiting company must add as additional insured the entities listed on the sample COI and submit COI to show proof of coverage that covers April 10 – 14, 2023 and includes aircraft liability as required. (Sample COI). View COI submittal info here

Please contact Grid Edge Exhibits with any questions.

4:00 PM, Tuesday, April 11 
There will be no exception to this policy. Any crates without empty or access storage labels will be tagged by Freeman and will be removed from the exhibit hall whether they are full or empty. Exhibitors may request crates to be returned to their booth at exhibitors’ expense.

The Exhibitor shall comply with any union requirements regarding the installation, operation and dismantling of its exhibit then in effect at the Exposition Facility and shall respect all Exposition Facility contracts and rules. Exposition Management may permit the Exhibitor’s own full-time employees to perform some specific work within its exhibit space; in no event shall an unauthorized independent contractor be permitted on the Exposition floor to perform work. The Group assumes no responsibility for failure to perform by contractors, their charges for services provided or for any other matter relating to contractors, unions, or the Exposition Facility.

As an employee of the exhibiting company (you must carry identification, such as medical card or payroll stub, to verify this fact) you have the right to hand carry some materials to your booth provided the following rules are adhered to:

  • Must use specified access doors, may use main entrance into exhibit hall
  • May not use freight/dock doors (except as specified for the ASUV program, details on the ASUV program will be available in the exhibitor manual.).
  • No material handling equipment may be used (i.e., carts, dollies, etc., however small 2-wheeled luggage carts are allowed)
  • Materials must be able to be hand carried by one person

Exhibitor shall have sole responsibility for ensuring that its exhibit is in full compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and any regulation under that Act. Exhibitors will ensure the accessibility of its exhibit space, and agrees to old harmless and indemnify Show Sponsor, Exposition Management and the Exposition Facility against any claims, damages, loss or exposure, including reasonable attorney fees and costs, arising out of or related to any alleged ADA violation. Information regarding ADA compliance is available from the US Dept of Justice ADA Information Line (800) 514-0301 or on the website.


Contact the Grid Edge Exhibits Team at gridedge@cemllc.com or call us (972) 521-9902.