We help home owners & businesses deal with Bird Control & Wildlife Removal through use of Falconry  and other humane control methods. Permanent Results. GUARANTEED.

Hawkeye Bird and Animal Control has been synonymous with Excellence in Humane Pest Bird Control and Animal & Wildlife Removal for over 35 years. Call us today at 416.429.5393


Hawkeye Bird and Animal Control Services

Animal Wildlife Removal

Animal Wildlife Removal

Permanent Removal. Guaranteed.

Bird Control & Removal

Effective control methods, incl. Falconry

Falconry Experience

Spend an hour or three with our Birds of Prey... have a Hawk or Owl fly to YOUR arm!

Animal Wrangling

Hawkeye's trained Dogs & Birds of Prey are available for Motion Pictures, Television, Photography, and more...

What makes Hawkeye different from other wildlife control companies?

Hawkeye is the ONLY pest bird and animal/wildlife control company in Canada designated "Certified Wildlife Control Professional" AND holding the following permits/licenses:


Trapping of Fur Bearing Animals PermitTrapping of Fur Bearing Animals
In contrast to all other companies, we can euthanize the bird or fur bearing animal, thus guaranteeing it will not return.

Falconry PermitCommercial Falconry Permit
We use Birds of Prey (hawks, owls, falcons, eagles) to scare, chase, or remove in a natural and humane way.

Pest control licenseOntario Pest Control License
We can employ chemical solutions to certain problems. These methods include natural pesticides.

Trapping of Fur Bearing Animals PermitShooting in Sensitive Environments
Our extensive training and certifications allow us to use pyrotechnics or firearms, even in urban settings.


We offer PERMANENT solutions above and beyond what other companies can offer. GUARANTEED. 


35+ years of Bird and Animal Wildlife Control probably speaks for itself.

Our love for and experience in dealing with Pest Birds and Animal Wildlife has taken us to Airports, Hospitals, Municipal Parks and Marinas, High Rise Buildings, Manufacturing Plants, and to homes all across southern Ontario.

Our unique approach and proprietary equipment as well as our extensive training truly set us apart. All of our technicians are licensed trappers and undergo continued training in areas of safety and best practices.


Learn more about Hawkeye Bird & Animal Control More about Hawkeye



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Where do Seagulls like to Build their Nests

In this article, we'll look at where and why you may find seagulls nesting on your property, along with some suggestions when you do. Summary: 

Where do Seagulls Build Their Nests?

  • Seagulls prefer nesting on flat gravel covered roofs.

  • Seagulls prefer to build nests beside pipes or low structures on the roof to protect the nests.

  • Seagulls are protected wildlife in Canada and the USA. Permits can take up to 3 weeks to obtain. In Southern Ontario, Hawkeye starts permit applications in January and February.


Seagulls generally live within sight of water. They can be found near oceans, rivers, inland waterways, lakes, and even ponds. Gulls are scavengers and will eat almost any food they come across, including fish, crustaceans, worms, mollusks, berries, etc. They will eat leftovers from people food, too. That is why they are often found in parks and on beaches where people will have picnics and snacks. Unfortunately, people have been known to throw their leftover scraps to the seagulls. This has been made illegal in many areas as it can lead to dangerous episodes of children and pets being dive-bombed by gulls looking for food. The seagulls have come to associate people with food and expect to be fed when they see people. Eating human food can cause illness in the birds as most foods people throw to the birds are not nutritious enough they will fill up with nutrient deficient food.

Read more: Where do Seagulls like to Build their Nests


In Ontario, Hawkeye offers Bird control, Animal control, Wildlife removal services and products in: