C019 | Building Teacher Capacity for Mobile Learning in Rural Communities

  • Room: SOUTH 320 D
  • Session Number: C019
Wednesday, January 26, 2022: 1:00 PM - 1:45 PM


Lead Presenter
Julie Evans
Project Tomorrow
Lu Young
Executive Director of UK Center for Next Generation Leadership
University of Kentucky


The sudden shift to remote learning during the pandemic highlighted several disparities in students’ access to digital resources for learning. But ensuring equity is about more than providing access to technology at school and at home. Equitable learning opportunities also depend upon a teacher’s confidence, comfort, and competency with using technology to create interactive and engaging learning experiences to meet the needs of all their students. For the past 4 years, rural schools in Kentucky have partnered with the University of Kentucky College of Education to implement an innovative program where in-service and pre-service teachers coach each other on effective strategies for using mobile, wireless technologies within STEM education. This panel discussion will examine research findings from this program as well as lessons learned for K-12 and higher ed leaders about new professional learning practices that result in elevating the capacity of teachers for sustainable classroom innovation. Endorsed by Future Ready


  • Concurrent Session (45 minutes)
  • PK-12

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