W313$ | More Than Multiple Choice: Building Better Classroom Review Games

  • Room: SOUTH 330 B
  • Session Number: W313$
Tuesday, January 25, 2022: 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM


Lead Presenter
John Meehan
Instructional Coach, Author, Speaker, 2023 District Administration Award Finalist


While old-school Jeopardy might seem fun at first glance, there is a sharp drop off in engagement once players figure out that they’ve been mathematically eliminated from winning. What’s worse: teachers often devote hours to dreaming up all of those review questions! Sadly, most new school edtech isn't much better. For all its shimmer and shine, most tech-based games simply reduce "learning" to four brightly colored checkboxes -- while students merely buzz in for easy points in return for low-rigor rote memorization. So let's build a better review pedagogy! This session explores three super low prep, high energy upgrades to the clunky review game staples of yesteryear. Best of all: it's all using Google Slides!  All workshops are BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). Participants are responsible for bringing a wifi enabled device with all workshop software/apps downloaded before attending.


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