C45 | Leading and Teaming with District Technology Leaders: Three Superintendent Perspectives

  • Room: SOUTH 220B
  • Session Number: C45
Thursday, January 27, 2022: 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM


Lead Presenter
Mark Benigni
Meriden Public Schools, CT
Lead Presenter
Keith Krueger
Lead Presenter
Matthew Miller
Lakota Local School District, OH
Lead Presenter
Scott Muri
Ector County ISD


The work of leading digital learning in any school district has never been more critical nor more complex than it is today. For both Superintendents and CTOs, leading ed tech initiatives can inspire a lot of excitement but also bring trepidation and daily challenges. A panel of technology savvy superintendents discuss their perspectives and strategies for hiring, leading and collaborating with CTOs and district technology leaders. They will also share how they support and leverage the expertise of their CTOs and other district technology leaders to achieve and sustain effective transformative digital learning environments. Time for questions from the audience will be included. Endorsed by Future Ready. Endorsed by the Consortium for School Network (CoSN)



  • Concurrent Session (45 minutes)
  • PK-12
  • Leadership

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