C030 | Cyber Challenges- Protecting Today’s Youth

  • Room: 228-229
  • Session Number: C030
Tuesday, January 24, 2023: 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM


Lead Presenter
Michelle Cheasty-Christ
Liberty High School (W. Va.); Curriculum Specialist K-20


So many students face a variety of Cyber challenges- and many teachers do not know what to do when faced with the challenges shared by students. Many of our students have grown up “online.” As a result, they do not know where to draw a boundary between public and private. Unfortunately, this has opened up the opportunity for others to Cyberbully, Cyberstalk and commit other cyber crimes. We no longer can separate school and home events. Further, SnapChat and other social media sites make it difficult to track who the bully is- and even if it really is that person behind the picture in the profile. Come learn some tips for speaking with students of all ages, tools to implement safe social media practices, and educate parents about Cyberbullying. Learn about free programs available for schools, as well as online resources for all.

