EST12 | Esports in Elementary Education

  • Room: Expo Hall ESPORTS THEATER Booth 551
  • Session Number: EST12
Wednesday, January 25, 2023: 1:15 PM - 1:45 PM


Lead Presenter
Mary Phillips 22-23 NASEF Mentor
STEM Teacher
North Shore Elementary


This session will discuss how esports is being leveraged in elementary classes. Even at a young age, scholastic esports helps students acquire critical communication, collaboration, and problem-solving skills. Join Mary Phillips, North America Scholastic Esports Federation (NASEF) Scholastic Fellow, as she shows how to leverage esports to teach healthy gamer habits, inclusive gamer etiquette while online, and emotional regulation. Her young students learn about STEM careers in esports and develop new tech skills through gameplay and serving as coaches, IT support, graphic designers, and marketing managers for their teams. She wrote a league code of conduct, helps students form teams within the classroom league, and created OJT (on the job training) to teach different jobs within the esports ecosystem. Students can even learn how to be photographers, journalists, social media managers, and shoutcasters in this unit. She’ll also share differences between her approach in elementary school from secondary level classes.


  • Esports Theater (30 minutes)
  • Elementary (grades PK-5)