TLT09 | How Artificial Intelligence Can Bring Girls to STEM

  • Room: Expo Hall THOUGHT LEADERSHIP THEATER Booth 2549
  • Session Number: TLT09
Wednesday, January 25, 2023: 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM


Lead Presenter
Nisha Talagala


Artificial Intelligence is all around us. However, AI is not just for fun gadgets. Recent advances in online tools have made it possible for kids to build AIs for everything from medicine to art. AI has also brought up many challenges to humanity such as bias, privacy concerns, and environmental impacts. In this presentation, we will cover the aspects of AI that are particularly appealing to girls - such as the ability to project-based learning and the ability to directly help their communities. We will describe how this appeal has made it possible to bring girls to STEM and Computer Science using AI projects in everything from detecting diseases to helping the elderly. With data from students around the world, we have seen ratios of girls' engagements from 30-50%. These experiences suggest that we have a unique opportunity to engage the next generation of female students with AI.

