$W128 | Fabulous Free Virtual Field Trips. Be What They Can See

  • Room: 344
  • Session Number: $W128
Tuesday, January 24, 2023: 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM


Lead Presenter
Hall Davidson
Senior Director, Global Learning Initiatives
Discovery Education


What will be the spark that ignites passion for a career? Or a healthier self of well-being? Great companies, including the STEM Coalition, industries like agriculture, mining, aerospace, wellness, and many others build NO-COST Virtual Field Trips (VFT's) with hands-on experiences, accompanying lesson plans, and standards-based alignments for grades 3-12. All are entirely free. They feature both college and non-college pathways. Live events are archived, classroom ready. They feature conversations with diverse individuals, many materials also in Spanish. These resources can be structured for traditional classroom periods.There is a library of archived no-cost VFT's and more coming every semester with a wide range of topics, workplaces, and careers. Give students irreplaceable exposure to content and careers! They cannot be what they cannot see. These VFT's offer the chance to see otherwise inaccessible things. All at no-cost.   FETC Workshops require an additional registration fee or premium registration. All workshops are BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) for hands on participation.

