C025 | State of the ARt: AR/VR New, Now, Wow

  • Room: 211-213
  • Session Number: C025
Tuesday, January 24, 2023: 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM


Lead Presenter
Hall Davidson
Senior Director, Global Learning Initiatives
Discovery Education


See the now and pending state of the art in AR, VR, and their blend into Mixed Reality. Pending products now coming from giants Apple, Meta, Microsoft, Google look like game changes. Smaller players like Vargo, Niantic, Auganix, NVIDIA are searching for niches. Smells, games, AI bots, medical tech, and more may be there soon. What will be the impact on students' future lives? On classroom learning in the near future? Explore the state of the art with amazing free apps and worlds now being built for education.The next 12 months will be epic for new realities. What will be the best integration strategy and the best way to prepare? Come get some ideas and inform your own take on the future.



  • Concurrent Session (45 minutes)
  • PK-12
  • Leadership