$W072 | How to Authentically Integrate Technology into the Classroom

  • Room: 338
  • Session Number: $W072
Monday, January 23, 2023: 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM


Lead Presenter
Nathan Lang-Raad
Vice President of Strategy
Savvas Learning Company


When thinking about bringing technology into the classroom, we often jump first to the technology tools, such as applications and devices. But if we don’t first establish instructional goals needed to set students on the path to success, how do we know which tool will be the right fit? In this session, educator and author, Dr. Nathan Lang-Raad, will help educators view the integration of technology into their classrooms from a pedagogy-first perspective, showing them how to authentically integrate it into their instruction. He’ll review actionable steps educators can take to help them make the best decisions about what technology will be most effective in supporting the classroom in any setting, i.e., blended, flipped, online, or hybrid. He’ll help identify learning goals and student outcomes, then review takeaways that can be incorporated into instruction right away and use with technology that’s already been introduced, and with any new technology.   FETC Workshops require an additional registration fee or premium registration. All workshops are BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) for hands on participation.

