Danielle Abernethy
Private Consultant
Private Consultant
Sheryl Abshire
Former CTO Calcasieu Parish Public Schools
Formerly Calcasieu Parish Sch System
Melissa Adkins
Instructional Technologist
Lamar County School District
Kellie Ady
Director, Classroom Education Solutions
PowerSchool Group LLC
Katie Ahmadzai
Northstar Academy
Desiree Alexander
Founder CEO
Educator Alexander Consulting
Steven Anderson
Digital Learning and Relationship Evangelist
Drew Arena
Instructional Technology Specialist
Javier Arguello
Founder and Executive Director of COGx
Jornea Armant
Microsoft Flip Head of Engagement
Sean Arnold
STEM Coach
District 75 Central
Brian Aspinall
CEO Code Breaker
Code Breaker
Debra Atchison
EdTech Consultant
Deb Atchison Consulting, LLC
Kiran Athota
Founder & CEO
FocalPoint Education
Pam Austin
Professional Learning Facilitators Manager
Voyager Sopris Learning®
Fady Awada
Support Manager


Jill Badalamenti
Educational Technology Director
Normandy Schools Collaborative
Greg Bagby
Coordinator of Instructional Technology
Hamilton County Schools
Deshjuana Bagley
Director IT/Coding Academy
State College of Florida
Ashley Bailey
Science Teacher
Roxboro Community School
Brady Bajuszik
Solution Specialist
Lincoln Learning Solutions
Kate Baker M.Ed, MAIT
Veteran Educator & Edtech Specialist
Angela Ballard APR
Angela Ballard
Michael Ballard
Technology Training and Development Specialist
Hamilton County Department of Education
Derra Banks
Mary G. Porter Traditional School
Anthony Barba
STEM Teacher / Esports Coach
East Valley High School
Jonathan Barnes
Implementation Specialist
Timothy Barnes
Assistant Program Manager - CMU CS Academy
Carnegie Mellon University Computer Science Academy
Erin Barringer
Instructional Technology Facilitator
Jesse C. Carson High School
Jonathan Bartles
Curriculum Development Specialist
Amber Barton
4th Grade Teacher
Huntington Place Elementary School
Bill Bass
Innovation Coordinator - Instructional Technology, Information and Library Media
Parkway School District
Brenda Bass
Manager Professional Development
BootUp PD
Jorrel Batac
Chief Operating Officer
Mary Batiwalla
Director of Evaluation Analytics
Christina Bauer
Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School District
Andrew Baum
Chief Marketing Officer
Susan Bearden
Director of Digital Programs
Jason Bedford
VP, K-12
Eileen Belastock CETL
Belastock Consulting
Adam Bellow
Co-Founder & CEO
Breakout EDU
Tim Belmont
Technology Specialist
Lyndhurst Public Schools
Dennis Benning Ed.S.
Academic Instructional Coach
Pickens Technical College
Dee Benson
Director of Technology
Guthrie Public Schools
Kyle Berger
Grapevine Colleyville ISD
Brandi Bergeron
Academic Technology Coordinator
Episcopal School of Baton Rouge
Lisa Berghoff
Director of Instructional Technology
Highland Park High School
Junior Bernadin
Dean of Students; Director of Information Technology
Ron Clark Academy
Jon Bernstein
President Bernstein Strategy Group
Bernstein Strategy Group
Crisianee Berry
Assistant Professor
East Carolina University
Michelle Bettis
Technology Integration Coach
Hamilton County Schools
Anna Bilyeu
Project Manager, iTeach
Kennesaw State University
Dr. Jennifer Bishop National Curriculum Consultant
National Curriculum Consultant
Reading Horizons
Meghan Blackburn
Digital Learning Coach
Beechwood Middle School
Anna Blake
Elementary Tech Integrator
Elizabeth Forward School District
Aimee Bloom
Coordinator of Instructional Technology
Erie 1 BOCES
Debbie Bohanan
Digital Video Teacher
Zenith Accelerated Learning Academy
Rosa Bohn
Curriculum Support Specialist
Miami Dade County Public Schools
Pearce Boisvert
Account Executive
Martha Bongiorno
Library Media and Instructional Technology Instructor
Innovation Academy
Dr. Rachel Book
Chief Business Development Officer
Lincoln Learning Solutions
Laura Boone
Collaborative Manager, CDW Amplified for Education
CDW Education
Marcus Borders
Learning Innovations Coach
Ed Farm
Danielle Bosanec
Chief Academic Officer
Warm Demanders/Pewaukee School District
Elisabeth Bostwick
Innovative Learning Consultant
Inspire Innovation with Elisabeth Bostwick, LLC
Lauren Boucher
DTL Consultant
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
Jess Boyce
Educator Innovation Lead
K.C. Boyd
Jefferson Academy
Laurie Boyer M.B.A.
Magnet Schools Coordinator
St. Lucie Public Schools
Andy Boyle
Director iTeach
Kennesaw State University
Sarah Brambley
Curriculum Specialist of STEM
Appalachia Intermediate Unit 08
Maria Brandi
Instructional Coach for Technology
Longwood Central School District
Heather Brantley
White Oak ISD
Heather Brantley
White Oak iSD
Wiley Brazier, V
Executive Director
We Greaux People
Scott Bricker
EDU Changemaker
Awefull Learning
Kelley Brill
STEM teacher and curriculum developer
Miami Country Day School
Lakisha Brinson
Director of Instructional Technology
Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools
Ted Brodheim
Global Education CIO Advisor
Zoom Video Communications
Scott Brogan
Account Executive, Public Sector
Erica Brooks
Education Consultant
Age of Learning, Inc.
Kristen Brooks
K-12 Instructional Technology Specialist
Kristen Brooks #forEDU
Sam Brooks
Supervisor of Personalized Learning
Putnam County School System
Susan Brooks-Young
SJ Brooks-Young Consulting
Leslie Brophy
Technology Integration Specialist
Hauppauge Public Schools
Anne Brown
President and CEO
The Cook Center for Human Connection
Coleman Brown
Instructional Technology Facilitator
Greenville County Schools
Heather Brown
Math Interventionist
East Coloma-Nelson Elementary School
Jennifer Brown
Product Specialist
Prodigy Learning
Allison Bruhn
Professor of Special Education, Executive Director (Scanlan Center for School Mental Health)
University of Iowa
Brooke Brumelow
3rd Grade Teacher
Tonja Brunn
Lead Program Manager
Savannah-Chatham Public Schools System
Thomas Scott Burgess
Instructional Technology Coach
Liverpool Central School District
Brooke Burkett
Highly Qualified Elementary Teacher
John Burns
The Library Corporation
Monica Burns
EdTech Consultant
Class Tech Tips, LLC
Theresa Burns
Education Consultant
Age of Learning, inc.
Bill Burr
Wrangell Public Schools
Madelyne Burris
Instructional Technology Facilitator
Rowan Salisbury Schools
Henry Burroughs
User Support & Mobile Device Management Specialist
Berkeley Preparatory School
Daniel Burrus
World-Leading Futurist, Disruptive Innovation Expert, New York Times Best-Selling Author
Burrus Research


Brenda Calhoun
Information Technology Specialist
Appalachia IU 8
Andrea Calvin
Vice President FableVision/Reynolds Center
FableVision Learning/Reynolds Center
Leslie Cameron
Senior Account Executive, District Partnership
Tye Campbell
Director of Strategic Information and Innovation
Gilman School
Lori Capullo
Executive Editor
District Administration
Ruben Caputo
Vertical Marketing Manager
Samuel Caraballo
Science Educator
Triune Lab
Toby Carpenter
Teaching & Learning Coach
Sells Middle School
Gabriel Carrillo
Instructional Tech Specialist
EdTech Bites LLC
Nichole Carter
Innovation Strategist
Beaverton School District
Andrew Cary
Senior Vice President
bulb Digital Portfolios
Matthew Castilleja
Educational Technologist
Austin Community College
LeiLani Cauthen
CEO and Publisher
Learning Counsel
Cathy Cavanaugh
Chief Experience Officer & Research Scientist
University of Florida Lastinger Center for Learning
Lekisha Chambers
Assistant Superintendent of Academics
University View Academy
DeAnna Chambers-Dixon
Assistant Principal
Greenville County Schools
Ron Chandler
US Education Leader
Apple Inc.
Rebecca Charlet
6th Grade Teacher
South Mckeel Academy
Joshua Chase M.Ed. Educational Technology Leadership
Hemlock Public School District
Michelle Cheasty-Christ
Liberty High School (W. Va.); Curriculum Specialist K-20
Bonnie Chelette
Director of Educational Technology
Louisiana Department of Education
Cathy Cheo-Isaacs
Education Program Consultant
Epic Games
Peer-Coach/Teacher Leader/Tech Contact
Calcasieu Parish School District/LaGrange High School
Søren Vrist Christensen
Consultant, lecturer and pedagogical coordinator
Marselisborg Gymnasium
Ginger Christian
Assistant Professor Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis
East Tennessee State University
Kevin Chu
ViewSonic Corporation
Joe Cipfl
Regional Educational Technolgy Coordinator
Learning Technology Center of Illinois
Leticia Citizen
Hawthorne School
Mary Clancy
Associate Head of School
Cooke School and Institute
Holly Clark
The Infused Classroom
The Infused Classroom
Joe Clark
Nordonia Hills City Schools
Sallee Clark
Innovation Leader, Author, & EdTech Consultant
Castleberry ISD
Jennifer Clements
Coordinator of Instructional Technology
Virginia Beach City Public Schools
Stephanie Cochran
Instructional Technology Coach
Alabaster City Schools
Jay Cohen
Founder and Executive Director
Roseanne Cohen
Public Sector, Industry Solutions
Lori Colangelo
Technology Instructor/ Independent Curriculum Designer
Hopewell Area School District
Bethann Cole
Teaching Assistant Professor
East Carolina University
Camille Cole
Digital Teaching and Learning Specialist
Canyons School District
Lynmara Colon
Director of Student Opportunity and Multilingual Services
Brooke Conklin
Assistant Director of Coaching Programs
Forward Edge
Kalaya Cook
Instructional Technology Specialist
Arizona State Schools for the Deaf and the Blind
Lori Cooney
Program Director, Inclusive Education and Curriculum Design
Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston
Kelli Coons
District Technology Coach
Edcamp Greenville
Charlene Cooper
Curriculum Development Specialist
Matthew Cosby
Account Executive, District Partnerships
Ashley Cowger
Executive Director of Strategy & Integration
Indianapolis Public Schools
Kristen Craft Ed.D., M.S., B.S.
Educational Leadership Coach & Academic Esports Specialist
Generation Esports
Caroline Crawford
Vice President of Sales
Kim Crouch
Technology Integration Specialist
West Islip School District
Marialice B.F.X. Curran
Founder and Executive Director of the Digital Citizenship Institute
Digital Citizenship Institute
Cynthia Curry
Director of Technical Assistance, CAST
Eric Curts
Technology Integrationist
Stark Portage Area Computer Consortium
Kristy Custer
Pres. Educational Innovation
High School Esports League
Phil Cutler
Co-Founder & CEO


Christine Danhoff
Technology Integration Specialist
North Point ESC
Andre Daughty
Dope Educator | Speaker | Facilitator
Shannon Davenport
Director of Professional Learning
Northwest Council for Computer Education
Hall Davidson
Senior Director, Global Learning Initiatives
Discovery Education
Theresa Dawkins-Smith
Title 1 Family Engagement & Early Childhood Specialist
Jen Dawson
Esports Solution Specialist
CDW Education
Sofía De Jesús
Associate Program Manager
Carnegie Mellon University CS Academy
Patrick Deane
Instructional Technology Specialist
Lockport Township High School District 205
Jessica deBruyn
Technology STEM Educator
Sister Thea Bowman Catholic Academy
Sarah DeCotis
Senior Literacy Specialist
Age of Learning Inc.
Delia DeCourcy
Worldwide Education Portfolio Manager
Amy DeLair
Canva Learning Consultant
Canva for Education
Sara Dempster
Assistant Professor of Education; Clinical Experience Coordinator
Amanda Dennard
Digital Learning Specialist
Humble Independent School District
Brian DeRose
Coordinator of Instructional Technology
Dawson County Schools
Megan Derrick
Digital Learning
University of South Florida
Tara Desiderio
Elementary Principal
East Penn SD
Serena Dewey
Education Specialist
Brandon Di Perno
Product Marketing Manager
Paper Education Company Inc
Cyle Dibble
Director of Client Engagement
Roeing IT Solutions
Dee Dickson
Senior Customer Success Manager
zSpace Inc.
Craig Dierking
6-12 Math Instructional Coach and Data Specialist
Blue Springs School District
J Spill Dieterich
Librarian Media Specialist
Oakdale Middle School
Marco Diez
Instructional Supervisor for MDCPS
Seth Dimbert
Director of Technology
Hillel Yeshiva
Diane Doersch
Director of Technology for the Verizon Innovative Learning Schools Initiati
Digital Promise
Jillian Doggett
Project Director of Community Networks
Verizon Innovative Learning Schools Program at Digital Promise
Jessica Doherty
Director, Performance Evaluation
Hillsborough County Public Schools
Jaime Donally
EdTech Presenter
Lia Dossin
Director of Partnerships & Programs
Future Ready Schools
Rachel Drazer
Product Owner
Stuart Drexler
Education Lead
Scirra Ltd.
Tom Driscoll
Samantha Duchscherer Ed.D, Ed.S, M.Ed, Google Innovator, MIEE
Project Lead The Way Grant Coordinator
Techforyall LLC
Kim Duhe
Principal Learning Consultant
Chandler Dunaway
Library Media Specialist
Baldwin County Public Schools
Matt Dusterhoft
Director of Technology
Lockport Township High School District 205
Patty Duval
Media Services Specialist
Alachua County Public Schools


Jessica Eastman
Technology and Learning Coach
Richland School District Two
Andrew Easton
Digital Learning Coordinator
Nebraska ESU Coordinating Council
Katie Eck
Senior Professional Development Specialist, Schoology Learning and Unified Talent Professional Learning
Huriya Edens
Technology Teacher
East Orange School District
Sarah Eiler
Ed Tech Trainer
Robert Elworthy
Sr. Solutions Engineer
Melissa Epps
Lead Instructional Technology Specialist
Sumter School District (S.C.)
Joseph Erpelding
Head of Education - Thrively
Bunmi Esho
VP of Programs
Endless OS Foundation
Heather Esposito
District Teacher Technology Coach
Cherry Hill School District
Julie Evans
Project Tomorrow


Katherine Fahey
Instructional Technology Specialist
Lockport Township High School District 205
Tim Fahy
Instructional Technology Coach
Mary G. Porter Traditional School
Florence Falatko
STEAM Resource Teacher
Cromwell Valley Elementary Magnet School
Shaelynn Farnsworth
Literacy Consultant
Patty Farrer
Education Technology Specialist
NorthStar Academy, Southaven,
Paige Faul
Instructional Facilitator of Technology
Liberty Elementary School
Andrew Fenstermaker
5th Grade Teacher/Tech Coach
Iowa City Schools
Dan Ferguson
Zoom Alliance Manager
JD Ferries-Rowe
Vice President for Campus Operations
Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School
Melissa Fierro
Technology Integration Specialist
Kankakee School District 111
Juliana Finegan
VP Strategy & Learning
Leslie Fisher
Akiva Fleischmann
Director of Technology
Fuchs Mizrachi School
Emma Foley
Senior Curriculum Specialist
John Foley
General Manager
Safer Buildings Coalition
Nick Foley
Account Executive
Meggan Ford
Library Media Specialist
Johns Creek High School
Lance Ford, PhD
Teacher/Zoom Room Educator
Zoom Video Communications
Bethany Forero
Program Coordinator Sr, Youth Entrepreneurship
Arizona State University
Amanda Fox
Author/Chief Content Creator Teacher Goals
Teacher Goals
Christine Fox
Project Director
Scott Francis
Technology Evangelist
Emily Frattali
5th Grade Teacher
Elaine Thompson Elementary School
Cori Frede
Professional Development and Field Product Specialist
Mandy Froehlich
Education Consultant and CEO
Mandy Froehlich Education Consulting, LLC
Melissa Frost
School Librarian
Rochester City School District
Juliette Fulton
Innovation Center Specialist
Miami Country Day School


Dene Gainey
Middle Grades ELA & Drama Teacher
Ridgeview Global Studies Academy
Izzy Galante
Mosaic Instructional Planning
Dayna Galganski
Experience Design and Development Coordinator
University of Florida's Lastinger Center for Learning
Kerry Gallagher
Assistant Principal
St. John's Prep & ConnectSafely.org
Zandra Galvan
Greenfield Union School District
Shweta Gandhi
Head of Product, Rocketship Public Schools & Founder, Jetpacked
Rocketship Public Schools, Jetpacked
Charles Gardner
Sr Director of Government and Non-Profit Relations
Jessica Gardner
Director of Educational Technology
Cooke School
Jacqueline Gardy
Content Development Manager and Editor
U.S. Department of State
Kristin Garletts
EdTech Support Specialist
Albuquerque Public Schools
James Garza
Technology Associate Director
University of Texas at Austin High School
Michael Gaskell
Principal, Hammarskjold Middle School
Cindy Gaston
Instructional Coach
Chattanooga School for the Liberal Arts
Joe Gaston
Assistant Professor
University of South Alabama
Kyle Gatchalian
Educational Specialist II
Baltimore City Public Schools
Adam Geiman
Instructional Technology Coordinator
Eastern Lancaster County School District
Susan Gertler
Chief Academic Officer
Beable Education
Theresa Gibson
Co-Founder & Director of Operations
Leading EDge Learning
Jessica Gilcreast
Certified school librarian/digital learning specialist
Bedford High School
Geri Gillespy K-8 All Subjects, Administrator K-12, Superintende
Sr. Industry Executive US Education
Eileen Glass
Technology Resource Teacher
Portsmouth Public Schools
Melissa Gokey
Chief Information Officer
Jonathan Goldberger
Senior Vice President, Security Practices & Strategic Sales
Tiffany Goldschmidt
Secondary Curriculum Supervisor
Baldwin County Public Schools
Cindy Gonzalez
Gulliver Preparatory
Robin Gonzalez
President, Zia Learning
Zia Learning
Corey Gordon
K12 Education Strategist
CDW Education
Reba Gordon
Master Teacher/Middle School Librarian
Lake Highland Preparatory School
Rachel Gorsky
Director of Institutional Research and Data Analytics
Gilman School
Gayla Graham
Director of Media Services
Christian Academy School System
Joseph Grainger
Learning Loss Specialist
Carroll County Schools
Laurie Green
Do You Compute? (with Physical Computing)
Mrs.Geeky LLC
Suzanne Green
Code.org K-5 Facilitator
St Cecelia School
Kathryn Greene
Professional Learning Specialist
Kerianne Greer
Reading Specialist
Mary G. Porter Traditional School
Adam Griffin CIPP/US
Maynard Cooper & Gale PC
Melissa Griggs
LDA East Manager
Learn, Design, Apply
Lilliam Guilbee-Cruz
Instructional Coach
Meadowbrook Elem
Coby Gurr
General Manager for Lenovo Software and LanSchool
Karn Gustafson
EdTech Support Specialist
Albuquerque Public Schools: Educational Technology
Laurie Guyon
Coordinator for Model Schools
Jennie Gyford
Instructional Math Coach and Professor
Hillsborough County of Public Schools, National University, and Alliant University


Amna Habiba
Global Creative Hub
Tyler Hahn
Cherokee Public Library
Michele Haiken
Educator & Author
Rye Middle School
Kyla Haimovitz
Director of Education Technology
Learner Variability Project, Digital Promise
Dani Hall
Coordinator of Instructional Technology
Prince William County Schools
Jennifer Hall
Digital Learning Specialist
Atlanta Public Schools
Alex Haltom
Director of Innovation
Hemlock Public School District
Michael Ham
Associate Partner
The Learning Accelerator
Melissa Hampton
Director of Teaching and Learning
Discovery Education
Claire Handville
Director of School Counseling
Charles J. Colgan, Sr. High School
Rebecca Hare
Education Community Manager
Kayla Harlow
Education Advocate
Unlimited Literacy
John Harrington
CEO Funds for Learning
Funds for Learning
Jeffery Harrison
Director of Network and Operations
East Baton Rouge Parish School System
Adam Hartman
Superintendent of Schools
Cañon City Schools
Jud Hartman
Instructional Technology Specialist
Chippewa Local Schools
Allyson Hartung
Technology Resource Teacher
Portsmouth Public Schools
Chris "Doc" Haskell
Clinical Assistant Professor, Head Coach - Esports
Boise State University
Tracy Haswell
Director of the Garner Center for Innovation
Miami Country Day School
Patrick Hausammann
Supervisor of Instructional Technology
Clarke County Public Schools (VA)
Byron Havard
University of West Florida
Stacy Hawthorne
Leadership that Fosters Creativity
Clarity Innovations
Michelle Hayes
Assistant Superintendent, Personnel Services
Cajon Valley Union School District
Tim Healey
Charles J. Colgan, Sr. High School
Patrick Heath
Instructional Technology Coach
Prince William County Schools
John Heaton
Teacher/Curriculum Team Member
NorthStar Academy
Jackie Heinzelmann
Instructional Technology Consultant
Hamilton County ESC
Emily Heller
Instructional Technology Coach
VSTE and Fredericksburg City Public Schools
Michael Helms
STEM Specialist
Putnam County School District
Sarah Hembree
Cobb Middle School
Mary Hemphill
Leadership Development Coach & Edupreneur
Limitless Lady LLC
Jennifer Hencken
Educational Technology Coordinator
Lake Highland Preparatory School
Willie Henderson
Cyber Education Specialist
Alison Herget
Higher Education Program Manager, Minerva Baccalaureate
Minerva Project
Alberto Herraez-Velazquez
Co-Founder eTwinz Education
eTwinz Education
Mario Herraez-Velazquez
Global Educator & International Speaker
eTwinz Education
Kenn Heydrick EdD
National STEM Manager
STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning
Devin Hicks
Vice President, Lifecycle Management Solutions
United Data Technologies
Ed Hidalgo
Chief Innovation and Engagement Officer
Cajon Valley Union School District
Ainsley Hill
Instructional Technology Faciltator
Arlington Community Schools
Laverne Hill
School Library Media Program Advisor/Valdosta State University
Valdosta State University
Trish Hinchman
Technology Integration Specialist
West Islip School District
Charles Hinsch
Instructional Technology Coordinator
Virginia Beach City Public Schools
Alex Hirbe
LMS Integration Manager
Generation Esports
Carrie Hochgrebe
K-12 Technology Instructional Coach, Microsoft Innovator Educator Expert
Blue Springs School District
Lindy Hockenbary
Educational Technology Consultant
Intechgrated PD
Brianna Hodges
Director of Strategic Partnerships
Learner-Centered Collaborative
Jennifer Hodges
Instructional Technology Specialist
Virginia Beach City Public Schools
Darcel Hogans
Media Specialist
Tuskegee Airmen Global Academy
Jennie Hoke
Sallie Jones Elementary School
Holly Holland
Digital Integration Specialist
Technology Training - Professional Development
Mollee Holloman
NCDPI Digital Teaching & Learning
Jeffrey Holmes
Senior Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Baltimore County Public Schools
Michael Holmstrom
Program Director
STEM Punks Inc.
Christopher Holt
Supervisor - Professional Development
Hillsborough County Public Schools
Susan Honsinger
Mathematics Teacher
Palm Beach County School District
Carl Hooker
Educational Consultant & Speaker
HookerTech LLC
Chelsy Hooper Ed.D.
Instructional Specialist
Auburn University
Amy Horton
Unicoi County High School
Amanda Howell
Elementary Gifted Content Specialist
Brevard County Schools
Heather Howle
EdTech Specialist
Louisiana Department of Education/LSUS
Jean Hribar
Instructional Coach
Paula Huddy-Zubkowski
Instructional Media and EdTech Consultant
Calgary Catholic School District
Darren Hudgins
Educator, Coach, Consultant, Director
Think Do Thrive LLC
Paul Huggins
Director of Digital Media and Innovative Technology
Beaufort County Schools NC
Rae Hughart
Evans Junior High School
Michael Hughes
Senior Systems Engineer Lead
Christopher Hull
President and Co-Founder
Wendy Huriaux
Digital Integration Specialist
Hillsborough County Public Schools
Rushton Hurley
Executive Director
Quratulain Hussain
Lecturer @ University of Karachi, Visiting Scholar @ Michigan State University
Michigan State University
Dr. Gregory Hutchings, Jr.
CEO and Founder of Revolutionary ED, LLC
Class Technologies Inc.


Dr. Anne-Marie Imafidon
Mathematician and Technologist; CEO, Stemettes; Host, “Women Tech Charge” Podcast; Author
Alex Inman
Chief Academic Officer
STS Education
Steven Isaacs
Education Program Manager
Epic Games, Inc.


Frankie Jackson
K-12 Independent CTO and Success partner
The K-12 Technology Officer (CTO) and EdTech Leader and Success Partner
Debra Jacoby
Computer Science & Educational Technology
Pine Crest School
Jenny James
Sallie Jones Elementary School
Rosemary Jane
Educator & Trainer
Cincinnati Public Schools
Tyrone Jefferson
Instructional Designer
Kennesaw State University
Michelle Jensen
Sallie Jones Elementary School
Christopher Jenson
Senior Health Advisor
Diagnosing Education, LLC
Bryce Johnson
Assistant Superintendent- Curriculum and Instruction
Blue Springs School District
Matthew Johnson
VP of Education & Agriculture Programs
Volatus Aerospace
Suraju Jolaoso
Academic Recruiter / DEI Specialist
2U, Inc.
Amanda Jones
Live Oak Middle School
Christopher Jones
High School Principal
Whitman-Hanson Regional High School
Mark Jones
Associate Professor, Education
East Central University
Shelby Jones
Manager, K12
Class Technologies Inc.
Matthew Joseph
Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Providence Public Schools
Ryne Jungling
Learning Design Specialist
Mandan Public Schools
Laurah Jurca
Elementary ESOL Coach
Prince George's County Public Schools


Angie Kalthoff
Digital Product Manager
Justin Karkow
Vice President, Teaching & Learning
Discovery Education
Sam Kary
New EdTech Classroom
Julie Kautzmann
Learning Design Specialist
Mandan Public School
Alice Keeler
EdTech Consultant
Chawanakee Unified School District
Lindsey Keely
Teaching and Learning Consultant
Lance Key
Support Specialist
Putnam County VITAL
Don Killingbeck
Hemlock Public School District
Christina Kim
Director of Wellness and Support
Gilman School
Tasia King
Technology Integration Specialist
Richland 2
Al Kingsley
Ashley Kinney
STEM Focus Teacher
Harmony Hills Elementary
Marcia Kish
Blended Learning Coach
DSD Professional Development
Ed Klein
Assistant Superintendent
Chardon Local Schools
Marci Klein M.D.
curriculum and program designer
Donna Knoell
Technology and Educational Consultant
Technology and Educational Consulting
Beverly Knox-Pipes
Adjunct Professor/Senior Consultant
Nova Southeastern University
Bonnie Koliba
Technology Integration Facilitator
Allen Independent School District
Doug Konopelko
CDW Education Esports Manager
Jason Kotch
Director of Technology
Avon Grove SD
Rob Kovacs
Technology Coordinator
Hamilton County ESC
Lynne Kulich
Director of Early Learning
Carrie Kunert
Digital Curriculum TOSA
Beaverton School District
Tim Kusajtys
Architecture & Integration Practice Lead
Converge Technology Solutions
Julie Kuzma
Instructional Facilitator of Technology
Elaine Thompson Elementary School


Pat La Morte
Global Education Solutions Lead
Zoom Video Communications
Claire LaBeaux
Director of Communications
Jennifer LaGarde
Author, Consultant, Adjunct Faculty Rutgers University
Jennifer LaGarde - Private Consultant
Jennifer Lambert
Technology Specialist/Teacher
Lyndhurst Middle School
Scott Lamie
Social and Behavioral Interventionist
Bristol Tennessee City Schools
Kimberly Landtroop
Technology Innovation Specialist
Duval County Public Schools
Jessica Lane
District Data Coordinator
North College Hill City Schools
Troy Lange
Director of Alternative Licensure
Colorado River BOCES
Nathan Lang-Raad
Vice President of Strategy
Savvas Learning Company
Dee Lanier
Lead Experience Designer for Lanier Learning and Education Coach for Samsung
Lanier Learning
Nikki Lavergne
Google Innovator and Assistant Principal of LPLTC Virtual
Livingston Parish Public Schools
Mike Lawrence
Education Leadership Executive
David Leshock
National Content Specialist
Charlie Levine
David Levine
Meadowbrook Elem
Elliott Levine
Director of Worldwide Education
Chad Lewis
Director of Technology
Tampa Preparatory School
Sadie Lewis
Director of Instructional Design + Personalization
Mehlville School District
Scott Lewis
Instructional Technology Coach
Frederick County Public Schools
Barbara Liedahl
Media Arts Instructional Specialist
Prince George's County Public Schools
Elizabeth Liedahl
Student, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Yuhan Lin
Research Assistant
University of Maryland
Reagan Lincoln
EdTech Specialist
Louisiana Department of Education
Nicole Lindeman
Director of Technology
Coxsackie-Athens CSD
David Little
Sulphur Springs Elementary School
David Lockhart
Instructional Coach
Big Guy in a Bow Tie Inc.
Lisa Lokshina
Director of User Experience
L3A UX Studio
Andrew Lombardo
SE Scholastic Esports Account Executive
Generation Esports
Jeni Long
Innovation Leader, EdTech Consultant & Speaker
Castleberry ISD
Dannielle Lord CETL
Director of Technology
Mooresville Graded School District
Felicia Lott
Technology Specialist/Teacher
Roosevelt School
Shantel Lott
Lead Learning Guide
Stacy Lovdahl
Innovative Learning Catalyst
Jennifer Lowe
Sr. Director for Emerging Markets and Technology
McGraw Hill
Brooke Lowery
Lead Learning Guide
Tom Loy
Senior Solution Specialist
Tech Logic
Andrew Lozano
Consultant, Corporate Social Responsibility
Jennifer Lubeno
Digital Learning Specialist
Martin County School District


Brittany M Ferguson
Instructional Technology Specialist
Virginia Beach City Public Schools
Joseph MacAdam
Director of Cybersecurity Content
Amber MacRobbie
Assistant Director
Arizona State University
Daniel Mahlandt MSed
Valor Preparatory Academy Arizona
Pam Malone
Educational Technologist
Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School
Bill Manchester
School Teacher & Author
Bexley City Schools
Nancy Mangum
Director of Leadership Programs
Leading EDge Learning
Library Media Specialist
West Islip Schools
Carmen Marroquin
Training Specialist
Florida Virtual School
Jennifer Marshall
Instructional Technology Consultant
West Ada School District
Christopher Martell
Instructional Technology Coordinator
University of Texas at Austin High School
Brandon Martin
Director of Technology
Blue Springs School District
Danny Martin
Tara Martin
Educator, Author, Speaker
Dave Burgess Consulting, Inc.
Sylvia Martinez
Invent To Learn
Jacie Maslyk
Instructional Coach
STEAM Maker Learning
Alefiya Master
Founder & CEO
Nicole Mathew
Curriculum Specialist
Teq, Inc.
Brian Matthews
Senior Manager, Curriculum Planning & Design
Age of Learning
Julie Mavrogeorge
Work Based Learning & Esports Coordinator
Fresno Unified School District and i2e
Robert Maw
Computer Science PL Facilitator
Amy Mayer
Lead Learner
Craig McBain
Director of Technology - Retired
Megan McBain
Training and Development Specialist
Detroit Public Schools Community District
Ashley McBride
Digital Learning Initiative Consultant
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
Rachel McBroom
Chief Academic Officer
North Carolina Virtual Public School
Shelbi McCall
K-12 Curriculum and Assessment Coordinator
Jefferson County K-12
Brian McCann
Principal (retired)
Joseph Case High School (retired)
Gill McClean
Director of Professional Development-National Trainer
Pure Edge Inc.
Shannon McClintock Miller
Future Ready Spokesperson
Future Ready
Jeff McCoy
Associate Superintendent for Academics
Greenville County Schools
Stephen McCue
Director, MBacc Partnerships North America
Jaci McCune
Education Programs Professional - K-12 Computer Science, Integrated Technology, & STEM
Nevada Department of Education
Donna McDaniel
Keller High School
Bobbie McDonald
Digital Learning Specialist
Martin County School District
Rebecca McDonald
K-12 Instructional Specialist
Cleveland Heights-University Heights School District
Areshia McFarlin
Head of District Partnerships
Allison McGrath
Implementation Specialist
Duval County Public Schools
Kathrin McGregor
EBRPSS Dept of Technology Services R&D
East Baton Rouge Parish Schools- DTS Central Office
Jason Mckenna
Director, Global Educational Strategy
VEX Robotics
Daphne McMenemy
Educator | Author | Speaker | Innovator
Code Breaker Inc.
Ann McMullan
Founder & Lead Consultant
Ann McMullan Education Consultant
John Meehan
Instructional Coach, Author, Speaker, 2023 District Administration Award Finalist
Heather Meek
Instructional Technology Coach
Ellis Elementary
Evagelina Mendoza
Chief Information Technology Officer
Joe Merrill
First Grade Teacher
TheMerrillsEDU, LLC
Kristin Merrill
Fourth Grade Teacher
Michelle Mesa
Facilitator of Scientific Education
Babcock High School
Melissa Middleton
School Librarian
Lake Orion High School
Donna Mignardi
Teacher Librarian
Calvert High School
Kay Milkie
Middle School Instructional Coach
Cleveland Heights University Heights Schools
Jake Miller
Author, Podcaster, Personalized Learning Spec.
Jake Miller Educational Opportunities, LLC
Kelly Miller
Coordinator of Library Media Services
Virginia Beach City Public Schools
Lynair Miller
Media Specialist
Peyton Forest Elementary School
Martin Miller
Superintendent Antwerp Local Schools
Antwerp Local Schools
Matt Miller
Head Textbook Ditcher
Ditch That Textbook
Tyce Miller
Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Maggie Mills
Program Coordinator Sr, Youth Entrepreneurship, J. Orin Edson Entrepreneurship + Innovation Institute
Arizona State University
Karen Minshew
Assistant Superintendent, Education Services
Cajon Valley Union School District
Honey Miscall
Sr. Regional Manager
(G2) Galaxy Next Generation
David Miyashiro
Cajon Valley Union School District
Lauren Mobley
School Library Media Specialist
North Clayton Middle School
Adrieanne Moliere
BY-U Esports
Jazmine Monroe
Elementary Teacher
Cleveland Heights - University Heights City School District
Cooper Monzon
Esports University of New Orleans
Kaleb Moore
Esports Loyola University
Pattie Morales
Instructional Technology Specialist
Indian Community School
Braydon Moreno
Director of STEM
Melissa Moreno
Curriculum and Data Support
NorthStar Academy
Linda Morgan
Curriculum Development Specialist
Dan Morris
Executive Director
Colorado Digital Learning Solutions
Godwyn Morris
Dazzling Discoveries/ Skill Mill NYC
Madeleine Mortimore
Global Education Innovation, Manager
Kari Moulton
Technology Instructional Coach
Bourbonnais Elementary School District #53
Brian Moynihan MBA | MSIS | MA
Global Education Solutions Manager
Djeneba Muhammad
Teacher Librarian
Towers High School
Emily Mulcahey
Instructional Coach
North College Hill City School District
Quentin Mumphery
Thought Leader / Strategist
Revolution Prep
Sara Mungall
Associate Director of Implementation, Student Impact
Digital Promise, Verizon Innovative Learning Solutions
Carol Munn
technology teacher
BR Middle School
Tom Murray
Director of Innovation
Future Ready Schools


Laurel Nava
Director of Education & Partnerships
CITE (California IT in Education)
Marcos Navas
Founder and CEO
Hands on Coding, Latinosincoding.org
Richard Nedwich
Global Director of Education
Ben Neely
Chief Product Officer
Revolution Prep
Ruth Neely MLIS
Director of Libraries
Sewickley Academy
Chris Nelms
Learning Technology Specialist
Lynn Nichols
PK-12 Instructional Technology Coach
Gilman School
Bonnie Nieves
teacher, consultant
Educate on Purpose
Sidd Nigam
Nigel Nisbet
Vice President, Content Creation
MIND Research Institute
Stephen Nisbet
Lead Product Developer
Terrie Noland Ph.D., CALP
Vice-President, Educator Initiatives
Learning Ally
Nancy Nolin
Assistant Principal
NorthStar Academy
Amber Nordwall
Instructional Technology Specialist
Virginia Beach City Public School
Scott Nunes
Educational Technology Coach/ELA Teacher
Education Today with Scott Nunes
Christina Nunez
EdTech Professional Learning User Support Specialist
Albuquerque Public Schools


Yusra Obaid
STEM/ Computer Science Curriculum and instructional Technology Developer
Bellevue School District
Steve O'Connor
Director of IT
Aston Martin Lagonda
Wendy Oliver
Chief Education Officer
Galileo Preparatory Academy
Meg Ormiston
Educational Consultant and Teacher
Tech Teachers, Inc.
Denise Orndorff
Instructional Technology Coach
Frederick County Public Schools
Cory Ortiz
Assistant Professor
Utah State University
Greg Ottinger
Former Chief Business/Financial Officer
Lorrie Owens
Chief Technology Officer
San Mateo County Office of Education


Dora Palfi
CEO and Co-Founder
Justin Panzer
Senior Director of Marketing & Communications
JACS Solutions
Catherine Paolucci
Assistant Professor
University of Florida College of Education
Michael Paolucci
Slooh, LLC
Kelley Papa
Instructional Coach
St. John's Prep
Lawrence Parece M.Ed., CETL
Director of Technology
West Clermont Local School District
Christopher Parker
Library Media Specialist
Blue Ridge Elementary
Aubrey Patterson
Warm Demanders CEO, Productivity Strategist, and Leadership Coach
Warm Demanders Inc
Erin Patterson
Director of Product
Sandra Paul
Director of IT and Operations
Township of Union Public Schools
Shane Peek
Instructional Technology Facilitator
Greenville County Schools
Tasha Penwell
Bytes and Bits
Melanie Perkins
Educational Technology Specialist
St. Mark's Episcopal School
Kim Perry M. Ed.
Partner Succes Manager at Discovery Education
Discovery Education
Mary Phillips 22-23 NASEF Mentor
STEM Teacher
North Shore Elementary
Adam Phyall III
Director Of Professional Learning & Leadership
Brittany Pike
Curriculum Development Specialist
Sheryl Place
Educational Technology Specialist
Deann Poleon
Technology Integrator
Lake Shore CSD
Jackie Pons
Jefferson County K-12
Robert Pontecorvo
GeoGebra, Assessment and Relations Lead
David Poras
Director of Product, Mathigon
Rachelle Dene Poth
Spanish and STEAM Teacher, Consultant
ThriveinEDU LLC and Riverview SD
Jessica Powell
Lead Learning Guide
Kelley Predieri
Technology Innovation Specialist
Duval County Public Schools
Jessica Preisig
Technology Specialist
School District of Pickens County


Mark Racine
Chief Information Officer
Boston Public Schools (Mass.)
Andy Rahden
Christine Ravesi-Weinstein
Assistant Principal
Milford Public Schools
Courtney Reaves
STEM Teacher
Kelli Recher
Program Lead for Tata Consultancy Services
Tata Consultancy Services
Alexis Reed
Director of End User Technologies
Allen Independent School District
Brittney Reeves
Assistant Principal
Gulf Shores Middle School
Samantha Reid ISTE Certified Educator, Canvas Certified Educator
Education Technology Coordinator
Jenks Public Schools
Sean Reidy
Head of School & District Partnerships
Legends of Learning
Lawrence Reiff
ELA/Computer Science Educator
Roslyn Middle/High School
Bea Rendon
Content Strategy
Dilma Reyes
Miami Dade County Public Schools
Jane Reynolds
FableVision Learning
Elizabeth Richardson
K-5 Computer Science Teacher
Starkey Ranch K-8
Tisha Richmond
Student Engagement & PD Specialist and Canva Learning Consultant
Lisa Riegel
Chief Innovation Officer
Jamie Rifkowitz
District Technology Facilitator
Kenilworth Public Schools
Ashley Rigby
Technology Innovation Specialist
Duval County Public Schools
Mark Riley
Professor Cyber Security & Network Systems
Washington State Community College
Keven Rinaman
Director of Innovation and Educational Technology
Calvert Catholic Schools (Ohio)
Katie Ritter
Chief Learning Officer
Forward Edge
Monica Roach
Instructional Technology Specialist
Birdneck Elementary School
Lori Roberts
Lead Learning Guide
David Robertson
Director, Human Resources/Labor Relations - Twin Rivers Unified School District
Carrie Robledo
Innovative Learning Catalyst
NCDPI Digital Teaching and Learning
Nicole Roddenberry
Intervention Specialist/Site Coordinator
Jefferson County K-12
Larry Rother
Global Education Strategist
Stephanie Rothstein
Education Innovation Leader
Santa Clara Unified School District
Michael Rubin
Uxbridge High School
Michael Russell
VP Curriculum and Esports Integration
Generation Esports
Nikki Russell
Innovation Specialist / STEM Instructional Coach
Tommie F. Brown Academy
Dan Ryder
Learning Facilitator
Overman Academy - CRCS


Colleen Sadowski
Director of School Library System & Media Services
Rochester (NY) City School Library System
Brett Salakas
#aussieED founder
Christine Salama
Innovations Coordinator
University of Florida Lastinger Center for Learning
Anthony Salcito
Chief of Institutional Business
Varsity Tutors
Laurie Salvail
Director of CYBER.ORG
Randall Sampson
Chief Curation Officer
Liberty Leadership Development
Joshua Samuel
Coins For College
Erika Sandstrom
Digital Learning Coach/Digital Media Teacher
Peabody Public Schools
Joe Sanfelippo
Fall Creek School District
Eric Santos
Regional Ed Tech Coordinator
Learning Technology Center of Illinois
Brandon Saxton
North America ISG Software Defined Infrastructure Brand Manager
Lenny Schad
Chief Information & Innovation Officer
LRP Media
Catherine Schlaich
Educational Technology Specialist/Computer Science Teacher
North Bellmore School District
Katie Schmidt
Director of the Innovation Lab
Gilman School
Lisa Schmucki
Founder and CEO
Kathleen Schofield
Executive Director of STEM2Hub
Northeast Florida Regional STEM2 Hub
Kathy Schrock
kackl! tech consulting
Rebecca Schulze
Student Innovation & Instructional Technology Specialist
Aventura City of Excellence School
Amanda Sears
Technology Innovation Specialist
Amherst Exempted Village School District
Julie Sessions
Director of Academic Technology
Porter-Gaud School
Diallo Sessoms
Professor, Educational Technology
Salisbury University
Brandy Sevin M.Ed.
Virtual Instructor; Department Head Business
Fletcher Technical Community College
Alicia Sewell
ELA Teacher
Jefferson County Schools
Meagan Sharp
Instructional Technology Coach
Alabaster City Schools
Marlon Shears
Chief Information Officer
Fort Worth ISD
Craig Sheil
Digital Learning Specialist
Bedford High School
Eli Sheldon
Head of Product
Katie Shelton M.Ed.
Education Specialist
Reading Horizons
Ken Shelton
Speaker, Designer, Consultant
Elevate Education
Quintin Shepherd
Victoria Independent School District
Mary Sills
STREAM Coordinator
St. Cecelia Interparochial School
Mike Singletary
NFL Hall-of-Famer, NFL Coach, Changing Our Perspective
Lindsey Sipe
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
Alan Sitomer
California Teacher of the Year Foundation
Jennifer Sittig
Curriculum Resource Teacher
Palm Beach Virtual School
Robert Slaby
Adjunct Assistant Professor
St. Marys College
Missy Slack
Media Specialist Content Specialist
Brevard County Schools
Chris Smith
Instructional Designer
North Carolina Virtual Public School
Keith Smith
Pike Christian Academy
Sabrina Solares-Hand
Senior Managing Director
ILO Group
Mike Soldan
COO - Chief Operating Officer
Gerald Solomon
Founder and Executive Director
Ben Sondgeroth
Lead Regional EdTech Coordinator
Learning Technology Center of Illinois
John Sowash
Technology Integration Specialist
Sowash Ventures, LLC
Tim Sparbanie
Elaine Thompson Elementary School
Rebecca Spencer
Supervisor of Technology
Avoyelles Parish School Board
Brad Spicer
National Director of Safety Preparedness and Emergency Management
Melody Stacy
Chief Academic Officer
Northern Kentucky Cooperative for Educational Services
Jenni Stadtmiller
Tutor Training Specialist
Littera Education
Gary Stager
Constructing Modern Knowledge
Joshua Stamper
Training and Development Specialist
Teach Better
Kyle Steele
Edtech Test
Marcus Stein
Head of Business Development
Christine Stellar-Foss
Product Management Leader
Chad Stevens
Chief Strategy Officer
Jonathan Stewart
PBIS and Education Technology Specialist
Canyons School District
Jeff Stoddard
Former School Administrator, Current Account Executive & Product Expert
Melissa Stoltz
K12 Solutions Engineer
Instructure Canvas
Jessie Stone Fox
Director, K12 Community Engagement
Amy Storer
Lead Learning Guide
Amanda Strawhacker
STEAM Coordinator
Amanda Strawhacker
Lea Strayer
Red Lion Area School District
Troy Strayer
Teacher/S. Development Trainer
Red Lion Area School District
Kari Stubbs
SVP, Business Development
Stages Learning
Jennifer Sturge
Library Media and Digital Learning Specialist
Calvert County Public Schools
Mark Sturges
Chief Information Officer
Keene Central School
Marlon Styles
Middletown City School District
Amanda Sullivan
Senior Program Developer
National Girls Collaborative Project (NGCP)
Melissa Summerford
Lead Learning Guide
Rick Surrency
Putnam County School District
McKenzie (Kiki) Sutherd
Teacher in Residence
Class Technologies
Doug Sutter
Director of Sales for State, Local, and Education
Andrew Svehuag
Code to the Future
Casey Swift M.Ed.
Professional Learning- Training Specialist
Florida Virtual School
Chris Szeszko
Account Executive


Nisha Talagala
Eugenia Tamez
Director of LATAM Partnerships & Programs
Digital Citizenship Institute
LaTina Taylor
NASA Educator Professional Development Collaborative (EPDC) - Texas State University
Nelann Taylor
Spanish, Tech lead teacher
West St. John High
Jeannette Tejeda
Curriculum Support Specialist
Miami-Dade County Public Schools
Cristina Telepman
Engineering and Computer Science Department Chair, MS
Gulliver Preparatory (MCK Campus)
Sheila Teri
Instructional Technology Coordinator
Virginia Beach City Public Schools- District Admin
Wanda Terral
Director of Technology
Lakeland School System
Tania Tesa
Product Marketing Manager
Paper Education Inc
Tania Testa
Product Marketing Manager
Justin Thomas
Instructional Design Coach
Forward Edge
Kenneth Thompson
Deputy Superintendent, Operations
San Antonio Independent School District
Victoria Thompson
Education Industry Executive
Microsoft Education
Kristofer Thurston CETL, PGWA
Director of Technology
John Paul II High School
Laura Tierney
CEO & Founder
The Social Institute
Tim Till
Sales Director
Identity Automation
Eric Toenjes MBA
National Market Manager, Wireless Solutions
Melissa Toohey
Curriculum Development Director
Diane Trout
Academy Specialist
Julian Newman Elementary
Thomas Turano
K12 Solutions Engineer
Instructure Canvas
Chris Turner
Coordinator, Mixed Reality Virtual Innovation Gaming and Esports Institute
Southern University Law Center
Henry Turner
Newton North High School
Maria Turner
Coordinator of Professional Development
Northwest Council of Computer Education
Vicki Turner
Technology Director
Berea City Schools


Zeny Ulloa
Curriculum Support Specialist for Instructional Technology Dept.
Miami-Dade County Public Schools
Christina Uttlinger
Elementary Social Studies Content Specialist
Brevard County Schools


Carrie Vail
Sr. Director Product Strategy, Interoperability & Partnerships
Powerschool LLC
Joe Valentine-White
Director of Community, Equity, and Inclusion
Gilman School
Omar Valerio
CIO / CTO / IT Director
Westminster Christian School
Jason Van Heukelum
Winchester Public Schools
Sam Vancini
Doctoral Student
University of Florida College of Education
Laura Vasquez Gazda
Ellis Elementary
Shelly Veron
Coordinator of Digital/Virtual Learning and Innovation
Humble ISD
Alicia Verweij
Education Consultant
EDGEucating LLC
Jackie Vester
EPSO Specialist
Putnam County Future Ready
Michael Vilardo
Co-founder &CEO
Susan Vincentz
K-12 Technology Integration Specialist
Christian Academy School System
Caitlin Vredenburg
Director of Technology
Christ Episcopal School


Destiny Wagner
EdTech Nerds, LLC
Afiha Waite
Computer Science & Instructional Technologist
Pine Crest School
Rachel Walczyk
Instructional Coach for Technology
Longwood CSD
Bethany Walker
Curriculum Director
NorthStar Academy, Southaven, MS
Tanya Walker
Sr Executive Director
The Princeton Review
Jodie Walz
Education Technology Consultant
Calgary Catholic School District
Sallie Warnecke
Sup. of Dig. Learning
Salt Lake City School District
Danni Washburn
Software Integration Specialist
Georgia Cyber Academy
Rosalyn Washington
Assistant Professor
University of Delaware
Courtney Watson
Lead Learning Guide
Billy Watts
Instructional Technology Coach
Colgan High School
Monica Watts
Director of K-12 Engagement
1EdTech Consortium
Joseph Wehby
Department Chair of Special Education
Vanderbilt University
David Weintrop
Assistant Professor
University of Maryland
Shachar Weis
Founder and software engineer
Brittany Welborn
STEM Instructional Technologist
Houston ISD Academic Instructional Technology
Mark Wenberg
Educational Technology Integrator
Richmond Public Schools
Sitha Wenberg
CodeRVA Regional High School
Michael Wesely
Instructional Technology Specialist
Virginia Beach City Public Schools
Adam West
Future Ready Instructional Leader
Putnam County School System
MaryEllen West
Coordinator of Instructional Technology Services
Gwinnett County Public Schools
Erin Whitaker
Middle School Technology Coordinator
Sewickley Academy
Connie White
Director of Learning Design & Innovation
Woodward Academy
Snow White
Director, Education Strategy
Tiffany Whitehead
Director of Library
Episcopal School of Baton Rouge
Pamela Whitlock
IT Department Chair & Teacher
Innovation Academy, FCS STEM Magnet High School
Brian Whitson
Digital Teaching & Learning Consultant
NC Department of Public Instruction
John Wick
HRSJ School
Kerri Wilder
Education Consultant
EDGEucating LLC
Akilah Willery
K12 Education Strategist
Suzanne Williams
Coding and Robotics Specialist
South Mckeel Academy (Fla.)
Thelesa Williams
Elementary Teacher
East Orange School District
Donna Williamson
CoSN Early Career K-12 CTO Academy Project Director
CoSN Early Career Academy
Lisa Wills
Executive Director of Curriculum & Instruction
Ector County Independent School District
Melanie Winstead
Academic Coach
Roxboro Community School
Janice Wintermyer
Canva Learning Consultant
Canva for Education
Bryon Wirtz
Education Security Specialist
Don Wolff
Chief Technology Officer
Portland Public Schools and Council of Great City Schools
Jennifer Womble
Conference Chair
Kaila Woodard
North America Notebook Product Manager
Jill Wright
Steam Resource Teacher
Cromwell Valley Elementary School
Paul Wright
SVP of Sales and Partnerships


Maureen Yoder
Lesley University
Nicole Youmans
Educational Technology Specialist
Kenessaw State University
Twana Young
Vice President, Curriculum and Instruction
MIND Research Institute
Sophie Youngs M.Ed. M.Ed.
Teacher Success Champion


Claudio Zavala, Jr.
Education Evangelist
Adobe, Inc.
ilya Zeldin
Chang-gang Zhang
VP of Technology
JACS Solutions
Laura Zieger
New Jersey City University
Kristin Ziemke
Innovation Specialist
Ziemke Consulting, LLC
Melissa-Marie Zirini PhD
School Innovation & Staff Dev. Specialist
Aventura City of Excellence School