Mega Session | The HR Jobs of the Future Are Happening Now

  • Room: Oceanside D
  • Session Number: MS2
Tuesday, September 28, 2021: 2:45 PM - 3:30 PM


Robert Brown
Cognizant Center for Future of Work
Willis Jensen
HR Analytics Business Partner
WL Gore & Associates
Megan Leasher
Chief Solutions Strategist
Talent Plus
Shradha Prakash
VP, Future of Work, Organizational Design & Talent Enablement
Prudential Financial


The pandemic has led to titanic shifts in where we work, how we work and the technologies we use to stay connected. HR has the opportunity to take a leadership role in navigating the future of work and understanding the changing nature of work, and some proactive organizations are creating new roles to address this expanded scope of HR. Join Megan Leasher and an all-star panel of leaders already in these roles to hear how they are meeting the demand for re-imagining jobs for humans and machines, ensuring well-being and resilience as a business mandate, and incorporating data insights into solving business problems. They’ll also discuss the key capabilities that run across new HR jobs, the drivers for the creation of these jobs, and the future of HR in a post-coronavirus workplace. 

Learning Objectives

-Understand HR’s role in navigating the future of work
-Learn how to re-imagine jobs for both humans and machines
-Gain insight into the changing nature of work and the need for closing skill gaps

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