Employee Feedback for Operational Improvement

Need to speed up execution?
Talk to the frontline.
At scale.

Joyous makes it easy to gather feedback from the frontline

With Joyous you can talk to the frontline at scale to validate and flesh out operational change plans, improve the adoption of those changes and embed continuous improvement across the entire organization.

Targeted, not broad

Joyous has developed a unique approach for operational improvement - focused on one topic at a time. Get actionable feedback, not complaints.

Chats, not surveys

Built for frontline employees first. AI helps facilitate 1:1 chats at scale. It only takes one minute to get more actionable feedback from an employee than a traditional survey.

Open, not anonymous

Employees’ names go with their feedback. They talk about things to do with their job, not themselves. Now getting clarification when needed is not only possible, it’s easy.

Actions, not themes

Joyous AI identifies actionable phrases from employee messages and groups them. It then suggests a detailed action plan, reducing the effort to analyze feedback and plan action to near zero.

Joyous gives employees a voice in how to improve the workplace and its operations. It fosters a collaborative culture and spurs innovation. Perhaps more importantly, it also accelerates the path to strategic, operational and financial impact.
Rob Markey
Co-inventor of the Net Promoter System
Joyous is the scaffolding that helps build psychological safety in the learning organization. It’s a voice enabler that makes it easy for anyone to share their ideas and concerns - benefiting both the employee and organization.
Amy Edmondson
Author “The Fearless Organization”, #1 on the Thinkers50 ranking of management thinkers.
We partnered with Joyous because we both have authentic human conversations at the heart of what we do. Together we’ve created a way to help large organizations increase Radical Candor - at scale.
Kim Scott
Author of Just Work and Radical Candor
Joyous works for the people doing the work. It connects people in disconnected and dynamically distributed workforces - in a way that nothing else does.
Marcus Weldon
13th President of Bell Labs

Why Joyous

A human-first approach to operations and transformation

Build human relationships

Joyous reaches the disconnected, dispersed workforce - in the flow of work. Most people want to talk to someone about ways to make their jobs easier.

Low disruption to work

Joyous combats feedback fatigue and cynicism. It only takes 2 minutes to respond, and something actually changes as a result of a Joyous campaign.

Better depth and coverage

Conversations are open, so feedback is more constructive and it’s easy to ask for more clarity. Joyous also helps you cover more topics by rotating audiences.

Reduced risk of failure

By involving people before decisions are made, they are better informed and they can be part of the change, rather than having changes happen to them.

Learn how Partnered Health identified actionable opportunities to increase retention by maximizing opportunities to leverage skills for NURSES.

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Learn how an airline identified actionable opportunities to reduce the number of repeat calls by talking to CONTACT CENTER AGENTS.

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Learn how a national hospital identified actionable opportunities to become the preferred work and training destination for RESIDENT MEDICAL OFFICERS.

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Learn how a telecommunications organization identified actionable opportunities to increase new hire training effectiveness for FIELD TECHNICIANS.

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