UDS Green Industry Software

Hudson,  FL 
United States

For over 40 years UDS Green Industry Software has provided business software and services to the green industry. Nurseries, Greenhouses, Landscape Contractors, Garden Centers and Landscape Maintenance companies have benefited from software designed for the green industry. As systems and applications have changed UDS has continued to provide innovative products and services. We have supported our friends and customers with current and integrated software that does accounting and the difficult applications required by your unique business processes.

2022 brings new on line and browser based applications that move your critical applications further out into the field or job site while putting your company information on line. ActiveApplications Net brings you pay from anywhere applications. See how taking inventory updates a web order. Deliver plant or hardscape material to a job site and collect for it right there. Create a landcape proposal in a home and collect the down payment while in front of your customer. AA Net provides the tools for your customers to order and pay on your website. Industry leading applications are not new to UDS. See www.udsgis.com

Brands: ActiveApplications - Net, ActiveApplications - Hosted, ActiveApplications - SQL

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