360 Energy, Inc. 1548
3IV Minerals 4510
4cast 1953
88 Energy Limited 4414
AAPG / SEG 2647
AAPL 2725
Agave Mineral Management Inc 2035
AIEN 1517
Alaska Division of Oil &Gas 2128
Alvarado 2014 LLC 4061
Amaroq Resources, LLC 2253
American Military Family 1660
America's Mighty Warriors 1658
Anchor Oil & Gas, LLC 4013
Anderson Oil Ltd. 1729
Anschutz Exploration Corp 4018
Apex PE, LLC 3130
Appalachian Mineral Partners, LLC 1726
Applied Petroleum Technology 3031
Arcadian Resources LLC 4539
Arete Acquisitions, LLC 3611
Argent Mineral Management 2348
Arkose Petroleum 2062
Armstrong Energy Corp. 3711
Armstrong Oil & Gas 3524
Arrington Oil & Gas Operating 3211
Ascent Resources, LLC. 3247
Aspect Energy, LLC 1730
B D Production Co., Inc. 4011
Baker Botts L.L.P. 2331
Ballard Exploration Company, Inc 3719
Bandera Energy Partners LLC 3061
BASA Resources, Inc. 3625
Basin Oil and Gas 3256
Baton Rouge Association of Professional Landmen 1629
Battleship Texas Foundation 4357
BIA Division of Energy and Mineral Development 1925
Black Mountain Oil & Gas 3410
BlackBrush Oil & Gas 2129
Blue Moon Exploration Company LLC 4410
BlueRock Energy Partners 3911
BOK Financial 3835
Boomtown Oil LLC 2653
Bowersox Exploration, LLC 4417
bpx energy 3735
Brandt Exploration, LLC 3062
Breck Minerals, LP 2011
Britanco, L.L.C. 4066
Browning Oil Company, Inc. 4029
Buffco Production, Inc. 4063
Burk Royalty Co. LTD 3447
Burnett Oil Co 3225
C&R Industries 3021
C.H. Fenstermaker & Associates, L.L.C. 2925
Capital Farm Credit 2927
Carr Resources, Inc. 4335
Chevron 4047
Cholla Petroleum, Inc. 4118
Cirrus Oil & Gas 3460
CL&F Resources LP 4227
CleanTX 1639
Clear Fork, Inc 4029
Cobra Oil & Gas Corporation 3514
Colorado Energy Minerals, Inc. 1830
Colorado Mesa University 4427
ComboCurve, Inc. 2911
Computershare Corporate Trust, US 2453
Comstock Resources 3635
Conduit Resources, Inc. 2915
Connect VNA LLC 2217
ConocoPhillips 3335
Continental Resources 4239
Core Laboratories 2917
Cormier Petroleum, LLC 4439
Cortez Resources, LLC 2210
Covenant Royalties 2119
Covington Exploration Company LLC 1631
Cowboy Exploration, LLC 4025
CRA Advisors LLC 2929
Craft Operating NM, LLC 2463
Crest Resources, Inc. 3215
CrownQuest Operating, LLC 2457
Crusoe Energy Systems Inc. 3239
CSI Recruiting 3013
Cudd Energy Services 2839
CX-Energy 3149
Dakota Energy, LLC 1811
Danmark Energy, LLC 2861
Darrah Oil Co 3929
DDD Exploration, Inc. 2110
Decker Exploration, Inc 4412
Decker Operating Co., LLC 3235
Denver Association of Professional Landmen 1624
Devon Energy 3947
Dewbre Petroleum Corporation 1828
Diamondback Energy 4139
Digital Wildcatters 1612
Dillard Center for Energy Management/Midwestern State University 2115
Discovery Land Services 2249
Domestic Energy Producers' Alliance 4531
Double Alpha Energy LLC 4134
Double Eagle 2557
Dragon Products Ltd. 2435
E.L.S. Surveying & Mapping, Inc. 2324
Eagle Oil & Gas Co. 3435
Eagle Resources Group, LLC 2449
East Foundation 4230
East West Bank 4012
EC Offshore Properties, Inc. 3161
Eckard Land & Acquisition, LLC 3937
Edward McCabe Company LLC 1956
EGI - Energy & Geoscience Institute - University of Utah 1712
Element Petroleum Operating III 4435
Elixir Energy / Big Tusk Pty Ltd. 2265
Emerald Bay Exploration, LLC 1815
Endeavor Energy Resources, LP 3710
Endeavor Natural Gas, LP 3757
Energy Advisors Group 3725
Energy Domain 2759
Energy Hire 3019
Energy Search Associates 2430
Enertia Software 2411
EnRes Capital, LLC 2052
Entrada Enterprises LLC 1863
Enverus 1647
ENVOI Limited 2257
EOG Resources, Inc 1911
EQT Corporation 4347
ESE Partners, LLC 3121
Expand Energy 3547
ExxonMobil Corporation 4547
Fairways Exploration & Production, LLC 2212
Falcon Production LLC 1710
Farmers National Company 4325
Fasken Oil and Ranch, Ltd. 3811
Faulconer Energy 1819
Finley Resources Inc. 3716
FireBird Energy II LLC 4447
Firm App 2312
Flat River Minerals 4353
Flatland Mineral Fund, LP 2251
Flipping The Barrel 4517
Flogistix 3110
Flowtex Energy LLC 2753
flyExclusive 2225
Fortay, Inc. 4163
Foundation Energy Management, LLC 3156
Frost Bank 2025
Fulcrum Energy Capital Funds 3360
G&F OIL, INC. 4057
Galex Industries 1734
GBR Medical 3124
Genuine Resources Group, LLC 2214
GEO ExPro (GeoPublishing Limited) 1627
GeoEdges Inc 3035
GeoFocus, LLC 2664
geoLOGIC systems ltd. 3011
Geomap Company 2534
Geophysical Society of Houston 1618
GeoSpectrum, Inc. 1924
GeoTerre Operating, LLC 3261
Geothermal Resources LLC / Blankenship Oil & Gas 1817
Getech 3030
Gibraltar Energy Company 4535
Giga Energy 1535
Glacier Energy 3561
Graves & Co. Consulting 3024
Gray Reed & McGraw 2421
Great Western Drilling Ltd 4319
Greater Houston Partnership - Houston Energy Transition Initiative 1641
Green Hook Resources II, LLC 2561
Grey Rock Investment Partners 4024
GSY Production Partners 3761
Guane Geological Consulting 1657
Gulf Exploration, LLC 2660
Gulfport Energy Corporation 2039
H&L Exploration Company, LLC 4428
Halliburton Operating Co 1935
Halsell 3111
HAPL 4413
Harris Estate Ranches Lease Offers 3260
Hay Exploration, Inc. 1926
Hayabusa Energy USA 4016
HBP Energy Associates 4530
Headwaters Minerals, LP / Primo Resources LLC 4228
Helios Energy 3248
Helium Enterprises, LLC 2752
Heritage Energy, LLC 4339
Herradura Petroleum, Inc. 4411
HG Oil Holdings 4524
Hibbard Energy 3361
Higginbotham Insurance & Financial Services 3224
Hives for Heroes 1626
Houston Association of Division Order Analysts 1630
Houston Energy, L.P. 3047
Houston Geological Society 1521
Houston Safari Club Foundation 3659
Hunt Oil Company 2224
Hurd Enterprises, Ltd. 1829
Icarus Oil and Gas, Inc 2563
IFS 2711
iLEX Energy Corporation 2663
Impetro / FMS / Loil 3162
International Petroleum, LLC 4120
IPAA 2547
Irish Oil & Gas, Inc. 3756
J.P. Morgan Center for Commodities and Energy Management, CU Denver Business School 1628
Joint Resources Company 2351
JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA 1824
JRS Land Company 3528
Jura-Search Inc. 3415
Kansas Independent / Driftwood Exploration 3660
Katalyst Data Management 2425
KE Andrews 3657
Kearney, McWilliams & Davis, PLLC 2325
Kebo Oil & Gas, Inc. 3063
KEM Energy, Inc. 3347
Kentex Worland, LLC 1731
KEW Drilling 3439
KeyBanc Capital Markets 1724
Killam Oil Co., Ltd. 2216
King Operating Corporation 2611
Kinnickinnick Exploration 2862
Korte & Co., LLC 2863
KSA 2524
LADD, LLC 2852
Lakeway EV / Vanderhall of Lake Conroe 1847
Lawco Energy Group / SFWBP, LLC 1853
Lehnertz-Faulkner, Inc. 3353
Lightsource bp 1738
Lindero Petroleum, LLC 3057
LLOX, L.L.C. 4312
LOGOS Energy 4534
Lone Star Production Company 3425
Lonewolf Energy 2135
Long Ridge Resources LLC 4511
LPR Energy 3629
Lucas Petroleum Group 4315
Magnet Oil LP 2117
Magnolia Energy Partners, LLC / Aragonite LLC 1753
Magnum Producing, LP 3227
Marathon Oil Corporation 2235
Marietta College 1512
Mason & Wilbanks 1934
Matador Resources Company 2551
MDJ Minerals, LLP 3457
Meridian Energy Inc 4331
Mestena LLC 4126
Mewbourne Oil Company 3329
Mid-Continent Exploration Group / Brett Exploration 4037
Millennium PetroCapital 4426
Mineral Resources Partners 3411
Minerals & Royalties Authority LLC 2061
Mitchell Geological Associates 1962
Morning Gun Exploration LLC 3860
Moyes & Co. 2362
Murchison Oil & Gas, LLC 4461
Murfin Drilling Company, Inc. 3319
Mustang Fuel Corporation 3615
National Association of Division Order Analysts 1611
National Association of Land and Title Analyst 1561
National Stripper Well Association 1760
New Century Exploration 3619
New Dawn Energy 3847
New Horizon Oil and Gas 2860
New York Bay Capital LLC 3153
Newfoundland and Labrador 2261
Next Bridge Hydrocarbons, Inc. 4156
Nichols Energy Services 2550
NNN Pro 2415
Noble Royalties 2562
North Avenue Capital 4441
Northcoast Oil Company 4214
Northern Oil and Gas, Inc. 3553
Northwest Oil & Gas Exploration, LLC 4538
Novi Labs 2424
Novus Consulting 3228
O'Brien Energy Resources Corp. 3661
OCS Advisory Board 1530
OGGN 4453
Oil & Gas Asset Clearinghouse, LLC 1725
Oil and Gas Investor 1613
Oildigger Resources, LLC 4017
Oilfield Christian Fellowship 1529
Oliva Gibbs LLP 3025
Olympia Royalty, Ltd. 3439
One World Petroleum 2637
Optim Exploration, LLC 4529
Orbit Energy, LLC 3957
Organic E&P 2757
ORR Energy Holdings II 4416
Ovintiv USA Inc. 3357
Oxy 3647
PakEnergy 2429
Paloma Operating, LLC 4420
Peloton 2318
PennWell Books 1528
Peregrine Energy Partners 4235
Peregrine Petroleum 3429
Permian Resources 4147
PetroCap 3511
Petro-Hunt, LLC 3818
PetroIQ 2426
PetroLedger Financial Services 2514
Petroleum Exploration Company 3157
Petroleum Museum 1513
Phoenix Energy 3160
Pinnacle Energy Properties, LLC 2029
Pinon-Energy LLC 2352
Pitts Oil Company 4431
PO&G Resources, LP 1727
Point Energy Partners 2761
Polsinelli PC 3120
Ponderosa Oil & Gas, LLC 4035
Pony Creek Operating LLC. 3163
Presidio 1511
Price Energy Services Co. 2335
Production Lending 1716
Progressive TSL 2213
Project Geminae 3220
Prominence Energy NL 2259
Prospect Generator 4513
Providence Energy Ltd. 4019
Prudent Resources LLC 1914
PyroPhase, Inc. 2450
Quest Trust Company 3129
Quorum Software 2439
RB Alliance 4425
Reatta Energy, Inc. 4058
Recoil Resources 4326
Red Willow Production, Co 3414
RedLeaf Resources, Inc. 3961
Reese Energy Consulting, Inc. 1653
RHB Exploration & Production 2149
Rhodes E&P, LLC 3762
Rice University/ Professional Master's Programs 4429
Richard B. Beard 4213
Robert L Bayless, Producer LLC 3856
ROX Exploration, Inc. 4110
Royal Exploration Company 4111
RTA Petroleum LLC 4015
Ruger Oil Tools 3210
Ruger Properties, LLC 4263
Ruple Ranch & Land 3641
Sabalo Energy 3525
Sage Natural Resources, LLC 3814
San Jacinto Minerals 2060
San Juan Resources Inc 2111
Saskatchewan Ministry of Energy and Resources 4438
SBS Capital 4010
Seismic Exchange, Inc. 2311
SeisPetro 3216
Shanka Exploration LLC 4136
Sharpe Energy, LLC 4527
Shelf Energy, LLC 4129
SilverBow Resources Operating, LLC 4041
SIPES 4512
SM Energy 3535
SMS Exploration, LLC 4124
SOGC, Inc. 3419
South Pass Petroleum, Inc. 2762
Southern Oil of Louisiana 3263
Spear Brothers Group / Realeza Del Spear LP 1711
Spindletop Community Impact Partners 1610
Spindletop Oil & Gas Co. 3810
Stalker Energy, LP 4310
Steelhead Tubular 2316
Stephen F. Austin State University 1619
Stephens Inc. 1526
Steptoe & Johnson PLLC 2947
Stonetex Oil Corp. 3915
Strago Petroleum Corp. 4114
STX Exploration, LLC. 3714
SuCo Energy 4215
Sullivan Whitetail Ranch 2935
SWIFF Energy 3252
SynMax 2417
TADSAW, Inc. 1656
Tascosa Energy Partners, LLC 4160
TCU Ralph Lowe Energy Institute 1621
TDeWaldWell Test Inc. dba Rhedd's Flowback Services 3134
Teal Energy USA, Inc. 2963
Tellurian Services LLC 4247
Texakoma Exploration & Production, LLC 2856
Texas A&M University - Department of Geography 1756
Texas Alliance of Energy Producers 4516
Texas American Resources Company 1910
Texas Blockchain Council 1557
Texas Independent Exploration, Ltd. 1635
Texas Oil & Gas Association 1616
Texas Tech University - Center for Energy Commerce 4113
Texas Tech University Graduate School 4525
Texas Tech University Petroleum Engineering 1659
TexasFile 2447
Texhoma Land Consultants 2327
Texland Petroleum, L.P. 3919
TGS 2139
The Crude Truth / Energy News Beat 1957
The Women Leaders Magazine 1524
Thomas L. Davis Geologist 2356
Three Crown Petroleum 4341
Thrust Energy Inc 4519
Thyssen Petroleum USA 2153
Tilden Capital 3560
TIPRO 1525
TM2 Squared Inc. 2960
TotaLand Technologies 3230
TRC Consultants, LC 2518
Trek Resources, Inc. 3510
True Oil LLC 2124
Trueblood Resources 2548
Truist Corporate Trust and Escrow Services 4056
UH/DGH Center for Petroleum Exploration 1625
Unchained Capital, Inc. 3858
University Lands 2157
University of Louisiana - Lafayette 1527
University of Oklahoma - Energy Management 4210
University of Texas Austin - Bureau of Economic Geology 3017
University of Texas Permian Basin 4462
University of Tulsa Master of Energy Business 1758
University of Wyoming - School of Energy Resources 1531
US Energy Development Corporation 3053
Valor 2310
Venator Resources, LLC 3925
Ventex Oil & Gas, Inc. 4311
Verdun Oil Company 2953
Veritas Energy, LLC 3317
Viking Engineering 2419
Viper Energy Partners 4238
Vision Exploration, LLC 3724
Vision Resources, LLC 2034
W Energy 2229
Walker Elliott, LP 2221
Walker Lane Research Partners 1835
Wandoo Energy, LLC. 2134
Warwick Investment Group 3137
Wasatch Energy Management 3314
Weaver 2931
WEJCO 2452
Wells Fargo BANK N.A. 2125
West Virginia University 1516
Western Colorado University - Energy Management 1620
Western Energy Alliance 1510
Western Land Services 3529
Weyerhaeuser Company 3311
White Eagle Exploration, Inc. 4135
White Oak Energy 3324
WhitMar Exploration Company 1617
Wild Horse Desert Exploration 4211
Women's Energy Network 1534
Woodbury Resources, LLC 1857
Woodstone Resources, LLC 2350
Zachry Exploration, LLC 3624
Z-Terra Inc. 4329