Digital Opportunities
SECO 2025 Event App
Sponsoring the SECO mobile application offers your brand an integrated presence that can serve as a key part of your mobile marketing strategy. Reach attendees with targeted messaging, branding impressions and links to your website as they navigate SECO 2025 prior, during and after the event.
Inclusions: Branding awareness, Interactive Experience,
Logo recognition: Full-page Launch Screen, Landing Pages (2), App Promotion on Website and Daily Emails (1)
Branding opportunity: Full-Page Launch Screen, Landing Pages (2), Pop-up Banner Ads (2),
Video Link (2), Enhanced Company Description
Alternate Color Button on Main Screen: button can lead to video, company website, internal app page, or other destination.
Messaging: Push Notifications: 15 messages (3 per day)
Custom posts to User Activity Feed (2 per day)