AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowships 449
ABB Measurement and Analytics 113
Academia Sinica 731
ACS Publications 739
Advanced Geosciences Inc 117
Aeris Technologies, Inc. 537
Aerodyne Research, Inc. 403
Airphoton, LLC 650
Ambilabs/American Ecotech 715
American Physical Society 831
Apogee Instruments 322
Applied Physics Systems 536
Argonne National Laboratory 1029
Arizona State University - School of Earth & Space Exploration 1145
ASC Scientific 1332
Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 610
Association for Women in Geosciences 605
Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) user facility 1037
Barnett Technical Services 330
Battelle 722
Baylor University 1450
Because Science 1229
Beta Analytic Inc 622
Boston University Earth & Environment 1558
Cambridge University Press 502
Campbell Scientific 323
Cell Press 723
Center for Oldest Ice Exploration (COLDEX) 1565
Climate Systems Engineering initiative (CSEi), University of Chicago 1564
CoCalc by SageMath, Inc. 1354
Cognitive Surplus 1122
Colorado School of Mines 1464
Continental Scientific Drilling Facility 823
Copernicus Publications 612
CUAHSI - Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. 836
D-2 Incorporated 413
Digital Science 1537
DOE - Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL) User Facility 1030
DRI 655
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers 1146
Earth Observatory of Singapore (EOS) Nanyang Technological University 1059
EarthScope Consortium 1115
Elemental Scientific, Inc. 213
Elementar Americas 429
Elsevier 725
Eosense Inc. 834
ESRPC (National Central University) 730
European Geosciences Union (EGU) 614
Gaiacode Ltd 1151
Gasmet Technologies, Inc 833
GEM Systems Inc 551
GEObit Instruments PC. 1436
GeoCamp Iceland 508
Geochemical Society 733
Geometrics 1250
Geophysical Technology Incorporated 1330
George Mason University 1463
GeoScienceWorld 603
Geospace Technologies 652
GIS Certification Institute 1328
Guideline Geo ABEM MALÅ 1129
Guralp Systems, Ltd. 1045
Harvard University - Spacial Data Lab 1461
Headwall Photonics 1017
HealthyPhoton Technology Co., Ltd. 214
Hoskin Scientific 506
HySpex, Norsk Elektro Optikk AS 932
IEEE - GRSS(Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society) 534
IKON Mining & Exploration 1237
In-Situ Inc. 829
International Chemical Analysis, Inc. (ICA) 626
International Met Systems 623
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) 713
Iris Instruments 1049
Isotopx Inc. 1123
ISTI - Instrumental Software Technologies, Inc. 1337
JAMSTEC - Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology 337
Japan Geoscience Union 445
Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory 955
KBR 1022
Kinemetrics, Inc. 345
Kongsberg Discovery 913
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory 827
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 1136
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 1028
Li-Cor/Onset- HOBO Data Loggers 311
Los Alamos National Lab 1130
Louisiana State University 1544
Lynker 1345
Macroscopic Solutions 527
Mag-Instruments UG 231
Marine Technology Society 1224
MathWorks 1432
McGraw Hill 205
MDPI 922
METER Group, Inc. 423
Micro-g Lacoste Scintrex 758
MIRO Analytical AG 1431
Mount Sopris Instruments 1127
Nanjing Binzhenghong Instrument Co., Ltd 624
Nanometrics 1137
NASA / National Aeronautics & Space Administration 745
NASA SciX 1532
National Central University Center for Advanced Model Research Development and Application 727
Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure 816
New Solutions 712
Nikira Labs 326
NOAA - National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration 1245
NV5 645
Ocean Networks Canada 1437
Oklahoma State University - Boone Pickens School of Geology 1451
OpenTopography 1012
ORAU / Oak Ridge Associated Universities 1133
Oregon State University 324
ORISE 1027
OTT Hydromet 531
Oxford University Press 1051
Pacific Northwest Laboratory PNNL 1031
Picarro, Inc. 837
Planet 1061
Planetary Data System-International Planetary Data Alliance 754
Polar Field Services 812
Polar Geospatial Center, University of Minnesota 814
PP Systems 528
Prairie Research Institute 1554
Princeton University Press 529
Purdue University, Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences 1465
Qubit Systems Inc. 223
R.M. Young Company 533
R.T. Clark Companies Inc. 435
Reftek Systems Inc. 637
Rice University 1455
Rowan University 1561
Roy M. Huffington Department of Earth Sciences at Southern Methodist University 1559
Sandia National Labs 1023
Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) 824
Sanlien Technology Corp. 728
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) 717
Science Partner Journals 1232
Science Systems & Applications Inc. 1252
SciGlob Instruments and Services LLC 830
Scripps Institution of Oceanography - UCSD 923
Sea-Bird Scientific 1222
Seismological Society of America 1333
SENSIT Technologies 630
Septentrio 216
Sercon Limited 1539
Silicon Audio 649
Sintela 1255
SmartSolo Scientific 437
Society of Exploration Geophysicists 1233
Sommer GmbH 203
South Dakota Mines, Department of Geology 1444
Space Dynamics Laboratory 1055
Space Science Institute 1144
Space Sciences Lab, UC Berkeley 1448
Spectra Vista Corporation 1116
Spectral Evolution 316
Spire Global Inc 822
Springer Nature 1317
Stevens Water Monitoring Systems Inc 515
StraboSpot 1109
Stryde Limited 631
Subsurface Insights 1416
Taiwan Earthquake Research Center 729
Taylor & Francis Group 1349
TEMcompany 828
Texas A&M University - College of Arts and Sciences 1459
Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi 1557
The Geological Society of America 329
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences 1555
The University of Arizona Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences 1449
Thermo Fisher Scientific 523
Toolik Field Station 544
U.S. Geological Survey 744
U.S. NSF National Solar Observatory 806
UIC Science 808
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research & NSF National Center for Atmospheric Research 103
University of Alaska Fairbanks College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences 546
University of Alaska Fairbanks Research Institutes 545
University of Arizona 748
University of Arizona (AGU) 303
University of Colorado Boulder 1223
University of Houston 1457
University of Illinois School of Earth, Society, & Environment (SESE) 1547
University of Miami- Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric & Earth Science 1562
University of Michigan, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences 1549
University of Mississippi 1556
University of Missouri 1548
University of New Hampshire 1445
University of Oklahoma School of Geosciences 1446
University of Pittsburgh 1456
University of South Florida 1462
University of Southern California Dept of Earth Sciences 1460
University of Texas at Austin - Jackson School of Geosciences 1545
University of Texas at Dallas 1560
University of Washington - College of the Environment 1323
University of Wyoming 1454
Vanderbilt University 1546
Wiley 207
Xylem 312
Yale University, Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences 1458
YellowScan Inc. 1355