Every Movement Matters: Using Wearable Technology to Gain Insight, Enhance Interventions, and Improve Posture and Movement

  • Room: Versailles 1-2
  • Session Number: ET2
Tuesday, November 02, 2021: 3:10 PM - 4:00 PM


Alicia Crelinsten
Injury Prevention Specialist
ReAlign Consulting
Bryan Statham
LifeBooster Inc.


Are musculoskeletal injuries plaguing your workforce? If we believe 'Every Movement Matters,' it begs the question: how can we be everywhere at once? This session will demonstrate how to use wearable technology to assess, identify, and prioritize risk across your workforce, and exponentially increase what you're able to observe, and strengthen the insight you're able to provide. Effective use of technology supports ongoing assessment, timely intervention, and immediate feedback to correct and improve faulty movement patterns and poor posture. With this data you will be better equipped to engage and educate the workforce on why Every Movement Matters.


Learning Objectives

By the end of this session, you will understand;
- Why Every Movement Matters
- How to implement wearable technology to assess and identify risk
- How to use the data to prioritize and plan an appropriate intervention