Strategically Utilizing Emerging Technologies to Optimize Ergonomic Assessments

  • Room: Versailles 1-2
  • Session Number: ET9
Thursday, November 04, 2021: 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM


Kelson Wann
Solutions Advisor - Innovation & Consulting
Briotix Health


Ergonomic innovation through technology enhances assessments by simplifying the process, improving objectivity and limiting resources. Strategic application of various technology systems that include wearable sensors, clothing-embedded, and motion capture software systems can provide widespread benefits to the risk identification and mitigation process. In this presentation, attendees will learn strategies to identify opportunities for technology incorporation, develop protocols to improve data collection and analysis, and educate users on methodology for successful implementation.


Learning Objectives

1. Participants will understand the advantages to incorporate technology into ergonomic assessments.
2. Participants will learn how to strategically apply emerging technologies to achieve ergonomic goals.
3. Participants will analyze their current ergonomic assessment protocols and gain the tools to best identify how emerging technologies can be incorporated to improve processes