Athletic Trainers Working as Ergonomics Leads with a Focus on Industrial Athlete Wellbeing

  • Room: Champagne 1
  • Session Number: HE2
Tuesday, November 02, 2021: 2:10 PM - 3:00 PM


Kelly Stetser
Athletic Trainers working as Ergonomics Leads with a Focus on Industrial Athlete Wellbeing
Herman Miller


Athletic trainers (AT) are licensed, medical professionals that specialize in injury prevention and biomechanics. Since 2018, Herman Miller has incorporated a small group of AT's into their safety team. Working as Ergonomic Specialist, these AT's started engaging with industrial athletes on the sidelines of their assembly stations. They were able to decrease injury severity but encouraging early interventions treatments like taping and stretching. After a year, safety culture improved with ergonomic floor engagement. It also made engineers aware of ergonomic factors that should be discussed before designing. Collaborative works continues today as human factors is everyone's job, but this session will show how the Herman Miller athletic trainers follow injury trends to assess, change, and prevent specific ergonomic concerns. Most importantly, these industrial athletes that come to work everyday struggling with an injury now have an ergonomic coach to educate them from the sidelines.


Learning Objectives

Athletic trainers in industrial healthcare, injury prevention, Humantech ergonomic assessments (technology), aging workforce, multigenerational workforce, ergonomic factors/risks, Risk assessments/Job assessment, engineer design guidelines, ROI, Sprain/Strain, OSHA first-aid