Janelle Haines

Global Health and Ergonomics Technical Program Manager


Janelle Haines is the Global Health and Ergonomics Technical Program Manager for the Google Data Centers supporting both new designs and current operations. Working with crossfunctional teams she addresses ergonomic and occupational health risks associated with data center operations as well as working with design teams to design out ergonomic hazards.

Janelle started her career working for John Deere in several different roles and manufacturing facilities, focusing on ergonomic design and manufacturing processes. She was in charge of all ergonomic processes for manufacturing, evaluating new machine designs for manufacturing, and also assessing assembly feasibility using VR technologies. Using these methods, high risk processes can be identified and corrected before they pose a problem on the shop floor.

Janelle studied at the University of Iowa where she earned a B.S in Biomedical Engineering with a focus on Ergonomics and Biomechanics.


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