National Workers Compensation and Disability Conference

presented by Risk & Insurance

Worker Wellbeing 360°: Taking a Holistic Approach to Injured Employee Care and Recovery

  • Room: South Pacific C-D
  • Session Number: CR5
Thursday, October 21, 2021: 4:15 PM - 5:15 PM


Andrea Buhl
President Managed Care
Anas Al-Hamwi
Senior Director
Walgreen Company
Kim Pfingstag
Manager of Occupational Health and Occupational Care and Recovery
International Paper Company
Tara Acton
Director Claims and Counsel
Lumen Technologies Inc.


Injury recovery is also dependent upon claims philosophy, employee engagement, co-morbidities, psycho-social issues, and pain management. Employers are placing less emphasis on cost reduction and more emphasis on injured worker experience using empathy and advocacy techniques, and ensuring access to information, resources and benefits. Telehealth, an understanding of the importance of medical literacy, and an emphasis on holistic treatment for injured workers all play a role. When quality medical care is rendered and negative external factors are minimized, an injured worker is better able to focus on healing, recovery, and returning to an active and productive lifestyle. Presenters will address key advancements and share proven tactics underlying successful outcomes and results. 


Learning Objectives

• Identify common internal and external factors that can impact an injured worker’s healing and recovery
• Explore medical management strategies aimed at improving recovery, lowering costs and resuming a productive lifestyle
• Illustrate medical management concepts and strategies using practical examples and experience
