National Workers Compensation and Disability Conference

presented by Risk & Insurance

The Data-Driven Case for a Biopsychological Model in Value-based Care

  • Room: South Pacific A-B
  • Session Number: MP5
Thursday, October 21, 2021: 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM


Magdalena Alvarez
ICW Group
Scott Primack
Assistant Clinical Professor at the University of Colorado School of Public Health
Colorado University School of Health Sciences and Physical Medicine of the Rockies
Sophia Centi
MPH Professional Research Assistant
College of Nursing Office of Research and Scholarship at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical


Experts from the School of Public Health at the University of Colorado School of Health Sciences reviewed three years of data assessing the effectiveness of a biopsychosocial model to determine if there is a significant difference in recovery time between the different psychosocial classifications. Analyses were performed separately on six different injuries. Every injury type showed significantly longer recovery times in patient groups that were “distressed” compared to “not distressed.” Significantly longer recovery times in distressed subjects show the need for new treatment plants, mental therapy referrals, and overall, more guidance on working with emotionally distressed patients.


Learning Objectives

• Go beyond buzzwords and understand the importance of a biopsychosocial model to medical management and delivering quality care to injured workers
• Medicare has moved into a value-based model, soon all aspects of health care will be required to show value. Be able to define what a value-based care model is and why a biopsychosocial model is critical to effectively achieving maximum medical improvement
• Demonstrate how outcomes data supports a biopsychosocial model
