National Workers Compensation and Disability Conference

presented by Risk & Insurance

A Closer Look at How Virtual Reality Produces Real Results for Injured Workers

  • Room: South Pacific F
  • Session Number: MP4
Thursday, October 21, 2021: 1:45 PM - 2:45 PM


Gerry Stanley
Gerry Stanley MD FAAFP P-CEO SVP & CMO Harvard MedTech
Harvard MedTech
Adam Seidner
MD MPH Chief Medical Officer for The Hartford
The Hartford
Stephen Fisher
Advisor to the CEO
Chesapeake Employers Insurance Company
Tyler Wilson
Sheriff`s Deputy Patient Panelist and PTSD Survivor
Florida Law Enforcement


The panel will address the technology of virtual reality and the biopsychosocial approach to patient care, with a specific focus on decreasing claims volatility, claims cost, and returning injured employees to work. The moderator is the medical director of a services provider, with the panel including two medical directors of insurance carriers discussing their specific issues and challenges, and how they are looking at best addressing, mitigating, and implementing this approach and solution. Additionally, a patient panelist will provide input on his journey and his experience regarding the approach.           


Learning Objectives

• Gain a basic understanding of virtual reality therapy
• Learn how VRT can be a viable solution to address pain, anxiety, and depression
• Learn strategies to address underlying psycho-social issues to impact faster recovery and reduce claims costs
