C8 Energy

Mississauga,  ON 
  • Booth: 1309

C8 Energy is a Canadian equipment distributor of the heavy-duty vehicle industry whose mission is to enable fleets in North America to begin their energy transition using innovative energy storage solutions. 

It is in this context that the development of innovative energy efficiency solutions for freight transportation, including off-road fossil fuel equipment, has been a focus for C8 Energy over the past years.

Our research has led us to Skeleton Technologies' supercapacitors, a technology that improves vehicle efficiency while saving fuel and reducing the carbon footprint. Skeleton Technologies aims to support the transportation industry in its transition to decarbonization.

The world’s most powerful system, the SkelStart supercapacitor ensures engine starting even in extreme cold, without the need for boosting, while increasing battery life. 

Brands: SkelStart from Skeleton Technologies.