United States
  • Booth: 1109

Unequal’s Halo 3 is the lightest protective soccer headgear “Recommended” by Virginia Tech's headgear impact tests, and received a 4-star ranking! The independent testing determined that wearing headgear provides a reduction in risk of head injury. Halo 3 looks just like a traditional headband, a player approved stylish design for maximum comfort and wearability. It weighs less than 2oz, is sleek and low profile vs. bulkier alternatives. Extremely easy to transition too, especially if the player is not used to wearing headgear. Fit, fashion, comfort, plus incredibly effective, low profile protection. Layered inside every Halo 3 is Unequal’s proven effective NURO® technology, a patented military-grade composite that deals with impact shock better than typical plastic & foam. It uses a high-tech method of dispersion that reduces acceleration, absorbs and deflects strike energy. Unequal’s Halo 3 was also rated "Best of the Best" for 2021 by BestReviews.com. From the head, to the heart, to the feet... Unequal provides superior protection for athletes in a variety of sports. Visit Unequal.com to find your protective gear!

Brands: Unequal offers the best-performing line of soccer headgear in the country and VA Tech confirmed it. Fit, fashion, comfort and incredibly effective low profile protection… that’s Unequal Halo.