Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance

Stafford,  VA 
United States
  • Booth: 101

Thank you for visiting the Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance

The Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance, or the “SPFA”, is the educational and technical resource to the spray polyurethane foam industry. A national 501(c)6 trade association, the SPFA was founded in 1987 and its constituents include contractors, manufacturers and distributors of spray polyurethane foam, as well as related professionals and entities involved in equipment, protective coatings, inspections, surface preparations and other key services related to spray foam. The SPFA is based in Virginia and its members span all 50 states within the USA.
The SPFA’s core mission is to support the health of the industry and to serve its participants, promoting best practices and growth through a number of core initiatives and resources. Some of the alliance's key areas of focus include: Technical Resources, Professional Certifications, Legislative Advocacy, Publications and Events, including the annual SprayFoam Convention & Expo. Visit www.sprayfoam.org.