Select Criteria: Tracks = General Session

Monday, April 17, 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

  • Room: Theater
  • Session Number: G1
"Yeah, we're happy, free, confused and lonely at the same time." Like an episode of the Simpsons, Taylor Swift had 2022 pegged long before it came to be. For those who track the newest special education cases like the latest pop hits moving up the chart, 2022 was a tough... Read More
  • General Session
  • General Session

Monday, April 17, 3:15 PM - 4:15 PM

  • Room: Theater
  • Session Number: G2
Best-selling author, award-winning speaker, and NCAA Division One Hall of Fame Athlete Roger Crawford has spent a lifetime motivating, inspiring, and elevating the performance of leaders. As someone who overcame physical adversity, he has the innate ability to help people far outperform the level of success they believe is possible... Read More
  • General Session
  • General Session

Tuesday, April 18, 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM

  • Room: Theater
  • Session Number: G3
Special educators and parents are both in it for the students; they only want what’s best for the child. It's a partnership. But in some cases, it may not be clear how the school's role in providing FAPE is different from the parent’s role in raising the child. From requests... Read More
  • General Session
  • General Session